Psalm 16:2
I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.”
vs 5-6 ~ Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Today, spring settles in sweet outside my open windows, wrapping all snug around the corners of home.
After the wind pounded its opinion fiercely all day yesterday, this morning’s still loveliness was a gentle balm with bright splashes of color.
These days are my favorites.
Open windows, jeans flapping in the breeze, my new windchime spilling out notes very occasionally.
Every good day, ordinary everyday….
Birds chirp in the woods… phone sounds the alert of my sister’s text tone…. farmer man in the field and his lunch baking in the oven… Teaching Textbooks offering up their math lesson….messy kitchen calling me despite my attempts to ignore it….rhubarb growing and a certain husband eyeing it with longing-for-pie expression….
Life will not always be as it is today. I can’t get over these words. I don’t want to get over them.
There’s so many reasons to choose happy today.
Even in all the hurts, the afraids, the mundane that can feel really mundane, the thankless tasks that demand doing, the overwhelmed, the messes and chaos and kitchen-floors-that-never-stay-clean….
So many, many things I love about a simple Tuesday and home and the ordinary of ordinariness.
{I’m off to quiet that bossy, demanding kitchen.} 😄😊
May your day be lovely!
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Such beautiful pictures and thoughts. Makes me more thankful for today, too!
Thank-you so much! May you have a truly wonderful day.