Hello to busy workers clearing dirt and mulch out of a flower bed. We’ve wanted to get this done ever since we started working on our house and then moved in. The wind whips the mulch and dirt right down in front of the basement doors. We’re hoping to get some rock to fill the bed and possibly some hardy rose bushes.
Hello party mix! Hello strawberry jam and strawberry pie!Hello bran muffins! A few of the things we cooked last week.
Boots or flip-flops? Coats or short sleeves? Heating or air conditioning? We’re so confused. Ninety degrees on Tuesday to waking up to thirty-four degrees and this on Thursday.
Hello to shakes and a snack shop in the basement! My kiddos having been having their snack time in the basement and playing snack shop. They’ve also been listening to a classical music cd while they eat. Makes me chuckle. The cd came with Renae’s music program for next year. They’ve already listened to it lots and lots.
We planted garden. We’re never early gardeners it seems, but this year has been more that way with all the cold weather we keep having. I like to plant garden on a warm spring day and curl my toes into the warm, soft dirt. Not happening this year. It was chilly! But the seeds are in the ground. Between a new garden spot, crabgrass to fight, and lots of bunnies around, we’ll see how this whole gardening thing goes this year. My farmer is much more of a gardener than I am, but he does not have the time for it. Hopefully we’ll at least have some sweet corn!
Hello to loving on the cat! Hello to baby kittens! Two of our cats became mamas last week. My kiddos are thrilled. We have eight, tiny, baby kittens!
Hello to going to the zoo! Hello to Cooper starting to like to bark! Hello to a dog run area for Cooper for at night. Hello to working on irrigation motors. Hello to working ground. Hello to getting fertilizer and working towards planting our circle. Hello to trying out the pineapple slicer and thinking it is great! Hello to Tucker helping Grandma! Hello to some reorganizing and sorting drawers. Hello to grocery shopping! Hello to hauling the last load of hay! Hello to thankfulness for ordinary living full of blessings.
Hello new week!
Linking up:

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

hello to a family that works hard together! so good to see.
enjoy the week.
I like the sounds of your week. Weather certainly gives us topics of conversation! Especially when it is so crazy mixed up! Love the pics of the kiddos helping. Brings back fun memories. I really like the pic of your farmer lounging in the doorway of the shed. I’d love to share in the snacks and classical music. 🙂
There are some pretty yummy snacks sometimes!
I thought about helping plant garden as a kid when I was snapping photos of my kiddos!
beautiful photos! made me feel right there with you. almost felt the dirt between my toes. Oh to plant a garden again! what a blessing!
Dani Joy
There is just something about the soft dirt in between your toes! 🙂
I love planting time. It’s one of my favorite times of year!
I like it too. Spring is definitely a favorite! Warm days and all the new, green life. Love it!
Wow, talk about some serious weather changes! Cold weather one day and sunny the next. I’m surprised you don’t have weather whiplash, lol!
Thanks so much for linking up to the “Making Your Home Sing Monday” linky party today! 🙂
Our weather keeps changing back and forth too. Tomorrow is supposed to be our frost date I think – wonder if that will be it?!
It was super windy earlier today – I am so hoping for nice weather thursday through saturday. calling for thunderstorms on thurs and showers on sat 🙁