Do you ever get tangled up in daily irritations?
Boy, I sure do.
I sometimes act like I think that life is going to magically transform and everything will go smoothly. No spills. No bumps. No disappointments. No feeling rushed.
I love the days when life flows over obstacles instead of bumping into them. I do. And I want every day to be that way. I want my days to play out the way they do in my head and the way I envision.
You know we’re just not promised that, though. Not here. God hasn’t promised a smooth and easy road, but He has promised to sustain us. I so easily forget how big my God is and I rely on myself. How much more would I do that if there were no frustrations, no trials, no tears? How much more would I forget to cry out to Him? How much more would I forget about the mansion waiting for me in His city?
I recently read an excerpt from Lead Your Family Like Jesus with Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges, and Tricia Goyer. They used the word EGO and formed an acronym for it this way: Edging God Out. What a fitting description! It has rolled through my mind a good bit, since I read it.
I want my life to be trouble-free and I want to be in control. Sounds like ego to me. The edging God out kind.
I also fall into this cycle. Things will be better, easier, nicer when…………
When my baby sleeps all night. When we’re past potty-training. When I’m stronger in my faith. When the laundry is all caught up. When I’m able to buy that ________ I want. When we get through this rough patch. When I’m less insecure. When the schoolbooks are finished. When the house stays picked up. When I don’t have this worry or that worry. When. When. When.
Some times in life are easier than others. Some times are more joyful and more enjoyable. Some times bring laughter, and kindness and smiles are easy.
What I forget is that there will always be concerns and trials in every stage in life. I don’t have babies getting up at night anymore. I have been through rough patches that I’m glad are behind me. I have had an occasional day when the house stayed cleaned up. I’ve moved into some of the whens that I used to think about. But here’s the deal. Now new whens crop up. Instead of embracing the day as fully as I want to, I find myself falling into when.
I have a friend who is dealing with caring for a difficult aged parent. Getting up with that baby at night is easier. I’ve talked to friends who have walked the road of saying good-bye to their parents in this life. Each stage in life has its ups and downs and its blessings and trials. Hurrying towards or grasping for the “when” isn’t a magic solution. It’s really just that EGO and forgetting where my trust belongs. Oh, to really trust and rely in my great and mighty God!
I’ve been reading The Autobiography of George Mueller. If you have not read it and you would like a lesson on trusting completely in God and an inspiration of faith, I highly recommend it. I feel like I’m only skimming the top of the depth of my Creator.
I get tangled up in irritations and I let silly things annoy me.
I hear the words of this song floating through my mind:
There’s no disappointment in Heaven,No weariness, sorrow or pain;
No hearts that are bleeding and broken,
No song with a minor refrain.
The clouds of our earthly horizon
Will never appear in the sky,
For all will be sunshine and gladness,
With never a sob or a sigh. Chorus: I’m bound for that beautiful city, My Lord has prepared for His own;
Where all the redeemed of all ages
Sing “Glory!” around the white throne;
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And the glories I there shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Savior I see,
In that beautiful city of gold. We’ll never pay rent for our mansion,
The taxes will never come due,
Our garments will never grow threadbare,
But always be fadeless and new,
We’ll never be hungry or thirsty,
Nor languish in poverty there,
For all the rich bounties of Heaven
His sanctified children will share. There’ll never be crepe on the doorknob,
No funeral train in the sky;
No graves on the hillsides of glory,
For there we shall nevermore die.
The old will be young there forever,
Transformed in a moment of time;
Immortal we’ll stand in His likeness,
The stars and the sun to outshine.
Frederick M. Lehman
No irritations. No disappointments. No tangled up.
Homesick for heaven!
John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Linking up:

Thanks so much for this post today. It never fails to amaze me how God puts in you way of the things you need to hear! It is his still, small voice! I have spent way too much time in my life wanting to move on to the next step, wanting my will to win out…Suddenly I am in the last half of my life and seeing how I should have savored the little life-steps when I could, not rushing on. Ah, but we cannot go back and relive, we only become wiser and try to change and mold ourselves closer to Him. We can only live the moment of time we are in right now and make the best of it to glorify Him. I so appreciate that you are realizing this now, while you have the chance to make a difference in your life and the life of your precious family! Praying God’s blessings on you!
There are moments I’d like to go back and relive and there are things I’d like to go back and re-do. But we do only have this moment. The struggle I face all too often is remembering to learn from the past.
Thankful for grace and for a Savior!
Love to hear the Antrim Mennonite Choir sing that song. I so well identify with what you’re saying. I still have to be reminded over and over to enjoy the day God has given me and accept where He has placed me.
I love listening to that song too!
“I have learned to be content where ever I am and in all things.” Still searching to be able to say the same thing as Paul! 🙂
I love that song and I love this post. I tend to find myself doing the ‘when’ thing a lot. If I can just get through this…. THEN things will be better! THEN life will be great. THEN I will be perfectly happy. Well, God didn’t promise happiness from earthly things! Only through Him can we have true happiness, peace, and joy!