“When I leave this earth, I want people to know I was faithful, but even more than that, I want people to know Christ is faithful.” ~ Hazel, Love Idol by Jennifer Dukes Lee
I’m with you Hazel! I want my life to glorify God, and while I often don’t feel all that good at it, I trust His faithful strength to fill in my weaknesses. I may be remembered with fondness by a few, but when I leave this earth my name will fade. Christ’s name will remain. Yes, if time continues, I won’t be remembered here, but my faithful Father WILL remember me and welcome me home!
Isn’t that a big, part of faithfulness?
Trusting in. Cared about. Providing for.
And on this new morning, I don’t have to look far at all to see my Lord’s faithfulness.
It’s found in hens-and-chicks nestled against the trunk of the tree in my backyard. It shines in a new sunrise. It breathes forth from the air in my lungs. It sounds in the sparrow tweets breezing in my front screen door.
He sees the sparrow, you know. And you. He sees you, too. And me.
Faithfulness and a Creator’s hand and design are sketched out in so many intricacies across our globe. I am amazed and grateful!
His Faithfulness holds steady even when I feel forgotten.
His Faithfulness binds my brokenness.
His Faithfulness holds my hand when my heart hurts.
It shows up in the Hazels we encounter and the hidden beauty we find at the base of a tree. It shows up in a newborn’s dreamy smile.
In a faithful farmer’s footsteps.
It’s in food prepared and laughter shared.
His Faithfulness works through the world changers and the-behind-the-sceners.
It’s the evangelist, the entrepreneur, the missionary, the mother in the rocking chair, the businessman, the blogger, the garbage truck driver, the greeter at Walmart, the doctor, the donut baker, the author and the airline pilot.
His Faithfulness meets you wherever you are. Now that’s an amazing, awesome reminder to begin this day on!
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What an amazing, awesome reminder for sure! Thank you for your beautiful words. I am blessed by what flows from your heart to your keyboard. Have a super wonderful day!!
Thank-you so much, Debbie! I appreciate you taking the time to leave kind words that brighten MY day! 🙂 I hope your week is wonderful and filled with little surprises to add happiness to your life.