It’s hello to a new week! Summer is winging itself away it seems. Matthew and I often look at each other at the end of a week and say, “Where did the week go?” or “What did we get done?” or “It was a week ago already when we did that?”
We had visitors arrive last week! Double hooray! My Dad and Mother came to Kansas. They arrived in time for my man’s birthday and hope to be here for mine. We are glad.
We did some spraying. We had swim lessons last week. We ran errands in town. We delivered a radiator to the radiator shop to have it worked on.
Renae spent and afternoon with a friend and they swam~first at the city pool and then in her friend’s pop-up pool. She told me it was her day for threes. She went to town three times that day and swam three times that day. We had swim lessons, she went back to town with her friend and then we went again to clean the doctor’s office. Crazy!
Tucker had a friend come play for the afternoon and they thought it went way too fast. Time flies when you’re having fun.
We got to baby-sit for this little miss for the FIRST TIME EVER! Her mama hasn’t really needed to leave her much, so of course we jumped at the chance for her to come stay for a couple of hours. She’s a very good baby and she played and took a nap and was super sweet. It was fun to see her big smiles and excitement when her mama came back! Praise God for good mothers. And my sister-in-law is an awesome one.
Hello to pretty bowls from my Grandma’s auction. It is special to have a few of her things. Hello to I’m excited about the wooden hangers my sister found for me and sent out to me with my parents.
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Hello to our Pinterest project. Our trampoline mat was toast and our new one arrived last week. I saw the idea for covering the springs and we decided to give it a try. I question how well the noodles will hold up to weather and sun and I picture chunks out of them and foam making a mess of the yard. 🙂 But it looks cute right now. And it is nicer for getting on and off. NOTE: If you try this you need to take into account how long the springs are when attached to the mat. I wasn’t that smart, so our springs aren’t completely covered when attached. My husband said something about it, but I didn’t hear him, hence we have shorter foam pieces. That pretty much sums up my project ability!! Oh well, it works. UPDATE: The noodles have stayed on really well and have been a bright spot of color!
Happy Birthday lunch for my man! My farmer’s favorite~roast beef and potatoes! Corn Pudding and Banana Split Dessert. My kiddos and I are so glad he’s our husband and daddy.
Hello lotsa kittens! Hello to napping in the shade!
Hello Crockpot Party Mix! Hello Snickers Ice Cream Pie! Hello Summer Celebration Flexi Giveaway!
Hello to some rain! We are very thankful for it. We had a beautiful rain yesterday afternoon. It came straight down and sounded and looked so pretty.
Hello to my revelation for the week. I decided that those various piles of stuff that gather in places? They don’t bother me as much if they have a designated basket, etc, to be put in. The corner of my island collects items that need to go down to the basement. I got a cute orange tray last week and it is perched on the corner of my island as the gathering place for the to-the-basement pile. I am liking it there for now!
I love the kitties. I have just one. I want more, but I know I would become a pet hoarder so I don’t dare get one. I love animals. We have four dogs already too; not to mention the 10 plus parakeets, two quails, two rabbits, and one socieity finch. I love the pictures of the old trampoline. So pretty. Do you have a post for your corn pudding recipe? Thanks for sharing.
My daughter would love visiting your pets, I think! We like to have a few cats on our farm and this spring we had five mamas that had babies. So, lots of kittens! We’ve given a few away, although my daughter would have liked to keep them all!
I don’t have the corn pudding recipe posted. I keep thinking I will sometime, but don’t have pictures and blogging weaves in and out and around life! 🙂 I can try to e-mail it to you.
a fun and full week for you!
love that idea for the trampoline. we may give that a try with ours.
Enjoy your summer days!
stopping by from The Better Mom
It was fun to use the noodles on the trampoline and makes it look cheery. Maybe pool noodles will be going on sale soon!
Looks like lots of living and fun going on! Seeing Dad sitting on your porch makes me want to be there!
It is fun to have them here! The days are flying by of course.
Hi, I found your blog on pinterest. I was just wondering how the pool noodles ended up working for you. Did they come off when kids jumped or during storms?
So far they’ve done great! We haven’t had them on quite a year yet, but they’ve stayed and I love the pop of color they add. 🙂