I have these two half-grown children living at my house.
And if you read my blog very often I’m sure you’re thinking, “Wow. She mostly just talks about how fast time goes by and how quickly her kids grow!!”
Too true. I do feel that way a lot and I do think about it a lot when I’m pecking away at a blog post.
I found myself reflecting and recollecting on the days of smaller kiddos. I found myself pondering the part of me as a mama that feels like I messed up in so many ways or missed so many opportunities or just plain failed in my attempts at mothering. But then I stood up and I accessed this barrage of thought and I spoke some truth.
Yep, I’ve messed up. I still do. Nope, I won’t get it perfect. I can’t.
But by the grace of God and with His help, I have mothered the kiddos he blessed us with. I decided to defeat the debilitating thoughts of my mess-ups and mistakes and focus on the good things.
I though about other young mamas and I thought about what I might say to them and what I could share that might be an encouragement to at least one.
And I thought, “Mamas, you do a lot.”
You do a lot more than you think.
When you feel like you aren’t doing nearly enough or even close to all you’d like to, and the fun ideas and cool projects crumble around you, take note of what you HAVE done!
Jot down a list or pick up your camera and snap a few photos. You’ll be amazed at how much you do do! When you make a list or journal back over your week, it is encouraging. It always equates to more when put down on paper, than when it is all just jumbled in your head.
I think back to the days when I played Go Fish and set up miles of Thomas track and helped with puzzles. I wrapped up baby dolls all snug in their blankets and hooked up implements to tractors. I set up swimming pools and put headers on combines. I bundled and unbundled little bunchy figures coming in and out from playing in the snow. I read books and helped set up Pollys. I tied shoes and wrestled knotted shoelaces. I looked for missing blankets and helped fingers find their proper places inside of gloves.
I never complete all the things I’d like or bring together the ideas I have. But that doesn’t mean we don’t do anything. When I look back at pictures, I’m always encouraged as I remember and I think, “Oh, look we did do that!” and “That was so fun!” and “We did get this done.”
There’s really no way to do every fun event or cool project. Do what you can or what really matters to you or means something to your family. Embrace it and rejoice in it! We are all unique and each of our lives will vary over all ranges of the spectrum.
I can beat myself up and compare myself to other moms who do cool things I don’t do or who accomplish so much more than I do, or I can move on, let it go, and smile because of the things we enjoy and do and thank God for how He created me and where He put me.
What I’m saying may not even encourage or work for everyone, but it has helped me just to know that though I’m far from perfect and I’ve failed more often than I’d like, we’ve had a lot of good times and teachable moments.
As mothers, all those little things we do and do and do again, they ADD UP, and it is a lot and it means something.
And those chubby, little people who will soon be half-grown people and then all-the-way-grown people and then walking-out-the-door people, well, just hug them!
Hug them.
Make a list.
And, KNOW, whatever it feels like, YOU are doing more than you think you are.
Linking up at : Motivation Monday

Love it! So true that we need to thank God for all the blessings and good memories we have. If we could get it right, we would have no need for His Grace. So thankful He is willing and ready to extend grace to us———over and over. And thankful, too, for the times we get it right through His grace and love. And in our looking back let’s also remember to look forward. The best is yet to come!