I was thinking this morning about how quickly a morning goes by. I will have two or three goals for a day and it will be lunchtime and I won’t have worked on any of them. Because here’s how it goes~all the details that I don’t write down on a to-do list. Throw in the things that crop up wanting or needing attention and WHAM! It’s lunchtime before you know it! Our schedule is a little different than some schedules too, because my farmer is usually here for lunch, consequently lunch is our main meal. And lunch doesn’t usually fix itself.
This morning I noted some of the things I did and the only thing written on my list was laundry. Granted I never have been fast at completing tasks and I’m certainly not right now. But still…time flies!
I got dressed, scrambled eggs, washed three loads of laundry and hung out two, {Renae hung out the other one}, I rescheduled an appointment, made another phone call, sent some texts about plans and schedules and texted a couple of friends, did my stretches, watered flowerpots, started tea syrup, pulled meat out of the freezer, put potatoes in crockpot, folded a few towels, headed out the door to go over to the shed to look at some old doors, thought I should take my man iced tea, back inside, tea pitcher empty, make more iced tea, head out the door again, helped my daughter put music on her iPod, had to download a new version of iTunes, and anything with a computer is never fast……………………….
Last week this arrived for Renae~
Tucker lent a hand in the kitchen~
We accomplished a long talked about goal! We popped popcorn outside without the lid on the popper. Both of my guys have wanted to do this and it is one of those things that isn’t hard, but requires thinking about it and just doing it!
It was fun! And funny! And easy! Don’t know why it took so long to just go out and do it!
As it popped, it threw some of the unpopped kernels out, so we gathered them up and popped again. Tucker gathered some of it up and had a snack, but the rest of us just watched!
Easy Entertainment!
Pretty rain the middle of last week! Made for a cozy day!
Lego game created by our in-house Lego builder!
Hello High Water!
Pretty rocks and designs left by the rain~
Milo and home!
I worked on my basement cupboards again! Hoping to finish them this week.
I had a date with my son.
I had a lovely relaxing Sunday afternoon drive with my husband. We took drives a lot the first few years we were married. Then we had kiddos and gas prices went up and up and we find ourselves not taking drives too much anymore.
Laughing at a great Family Circus joke. I totally relate!!
Visitor to Jeffy: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Jeffy: “Tall enough to reach things without having to stand on a stool.”
YEP! That’d be me!
Girls Day Out! I got to go this time instead of having to cancel because of back pain like last time!
Kiddos playing in the creek again! Our pool breathed its last, last summer. God has sent rain and more rain and the kids have had so much fun in the creek this year. I love how God works in the little details. We are richly and bountifully blessed so much above our needs. And not because we deserve anything or any of it. I don’t know why we are where we are and other people are in miserable situations or tough places or in prison for their faith. I don’t know why. But I believe God cares deeply about each one of us and about the small things in our lives. I believe God loves relationship with us all. I believe we all have struggles no matter where we live or what our circumstances are. I praise God for every single big or small way He has provided, for every way He has blessed us, for grace. And I love the way God always shows up and very, very often in unexpected ways. I’ve seen too many things work out in my life, often times with a bit of humor, and often times springing forth in a surprising way.
My back still comes and goes, but I feel so much better and I am thankful!
The tractor and disk worked ground until the rain came.
Rainy day meant my man putting a new faucet in the basement for me and helping me get set up to work on my cupboard doors. So appreciative to him and I’m loving the faucet!
My guys did some system work and worked on harrow.
Tucker mowed here and mowed for Grandma.
We ran errands in town and attended an American Ag Credit dinner and heard Trent Loos speak. He is a voice for Ag today. I wish I could retain and reiterate things. I’m not so great at speech. The dinner was awesome and I enjoyed hearing Trent!
I need to order school stuff and I am not ready to think about school quite yet. Summer is slipping away too quickly……….
What’d you do last week?

I love reading what is going on in your life. Fun to see the popcorn pictures. I never thought about doing that.
Well, it has been thought about and long talked about here! 🙂 Maybe we can do it again sometime when you are here!
I like to go and read all my old posts and remember what all we’ve done. Sometimes, I don’t even have to go very far back to find myself thinking, “Oh yeah, that was fun!” or “Oh yeah, we did that!” 🙂