The laundry piles high. Clean. Just waiting to get folded. But I have this beautiful laundry basket my Mother gave to me for Christmas. One to me and one for my sister. It makes the laundry look better and rather homey as it waits.
The sun beats warm on the house peeking in the windows. The daylight comes early and I ease out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom, raising the blind a bit and gazing outside. The birds chirp away, already long begun their day.
Entering my kitchen, a few dirty dishes patiently wait in the sink and some scattered glasses decorate the counters in between the crumbs waiting to be wiped up and whisked away.
The air conditioner kicks on and hums to life and cool air flows out, forced through the ducts and blowing onto my feet as I stand at the kitchen sink.
My farmer man leaves early. Earlier than I really want him to, but it is summer and it is the rhythm of the work we do and the hours and the season.
I look down. The kitchen floor is crumby too. From food and snacks and sand tracked in.
Flip-flops and a jumble of shoes in the laundry room, half-in, half-out of the boot tray. Ready to quickly slip on as we head out the door.
It’s all a bit of a beautiful mess………{and not-so-beautiful-all-at-the-same-time}.
It’s summer….
And summer means busy for us, but it also means long days with some lazy mixed in and swimming and floating and reading and writing and letting laundry pile high. T-shirts and socks are easier found when in their drawers, but they can be found by digging through the laundry basket, too. Life goes too quickly and it never is the perfectly drawn-out scenario. I love my house clean and everything in place. But, I love to do other things too.
So we sweep up sand and we track it in again.
We leave the broom propped in the corner and a pile of dirt under the island.
We pull sweet corn from our patch and we eat juicy fresh peaches from the store and we savor summer.
We sweat and swim and simply live everyday life.
The trampoline springs stretch and squeak as swimmers bounce and then launch themselves back into the pool.
We clip clothes to the line to dry quickly in the heat. We catch the glimmer of a rainbow in the spraying sprinkler as it offers a drink to the thirsty grass.
We play with kittens and spend time in the hammock.
We grill food and we make sandwiches. We eat ice cream and fruit cups and fudge bars.
The days roll by quickly, quickly, one on top of another, racing away too fast.
Slow down summer.

That’s beautiful. 🙂 Sounds a lot like our home.
Certain things just go with summertime, don’t they?!
Thank you for turning humdrum, nerve jangling things into beauty and blessing! Our attitude affects our day so much. I look forward to your words and pictures and come away uplifted and sometimes convicted! And, of course, always with a smile when there are pics of my grandchildren!
I was just thinking yesterday, how much I really love to take pictures. They do take time and right now my camera card is full!! I must offload the Colorado pics!