My completed dishcloth from last week.…
{And, yes, I do realize today is Wednesday if you are wondering about my blogpost title. It will make more sense when we get on down to the books! 😉 }
Yarn Along has been an inspiration to me! By pulling out my yarn and needles again, I see them laying there and grab them and knit a row or two or grab them when I have a phone call and row by row, a dishcloth emerges!
I seriously thought about starting in with the very same yarn, but then went with this one.
{Amazon affiliate links included}
I’ve been reading an advanced reader copy of Simply Tuesday. Go over here and watch an introductory video for it and sign up for free for the rest of the videos for it. I’ve related so much to Emily’s words. This book spends time thinking about slowing down, intentionally focusing on the small things and the day-to-day and realizing how much they matter. It’s a take-the-time to find your bench and rest and breathe and make space for your soul. It’s realizing how relevant we are where we are. It’s rejoicing in the being-small. It’s a wonderful read! It’s available for pre-order and had been a great price on Amazon. Amazon’s prices change often, but it’s worth checking. Find it here.
You can also find Emily P. Freeman at her website and blog here.
LOVE this book. It rhymes. My favorite kind. We got it from Discovery Toys years ago. There are two others that we have and love just as much. Rumble in the Jungle and Cock-a-Doodle-do Barnyard Hullabaloo.
There are so many tremendously fun children’s books. Fun words. Fun pictures. Fun stories.
Have a great Wednesday!
Linking up with Ginny.…
Linking up at Frontier Dreams…

Thanks for visiting me x
Great dishcloth, lovely
We adore commotion in the ocean here too
Happy days xx
Rhyming children’s books are just so great! And I love the color in these.
Yours is the 2nd post I’ve seen today with knitted washcloths…I guess I’ll need to knit a few, too, as mine are looking pretty worn. Deborah, I know just what you mean about Mitford being the kind of place I’d like to visit (not to mention, to live!). I think the new Mitford book is supposed to be out this fall. Cannot wait. 🙂
Yep! I’m so excited to find out about the Mitford book! I popped into another Yarn Along post that showed a dishcloth, too. 🙂
lovely washcloth and the book looks interesting!!
Thanks for popping in!
Deborah, your in-progress cloth made me do a double-take. I made the exact same pattern in the exact same yarn a few months back–and in fact it’s the cloth in rotation at my kitchen sink right this minute. Small, but fun world!
Yes it is! I’m not an advanced knitter. The dishcloths are all I do and just the one, basic pattern. It’s so easy to pick up and work on without having to think too much about it.
Well I say if you’re going to pick just one dishcloth to knit, you picked the right one! It’s sturdy and serviceable, enjoyable because it’s so simple, endlessly variable if you want to add some stripes or other color interest, and like you said, you can put it down and pick up again easily without worrying about charts or counting. But it’s also the “afterthought” that my husband’s grandma was known for tucking into every birthday and Christmas gift. I love the sentiment of making what she made!
Love those dishcloths. They make me want to knit one. Great yarns.
The variety of yarn is so much fun!