I’ve had a stack of white paper cupcake liners for a long time that I’ve eyed and thought, “I should really do something with these, but what?”
I have a couple of recipes I like to keep foil cupcake liners around for, because the cupcakes stick to the paper liners in an annoying way. The foil liners come with paper liners between them. However the in-between liners don’t work that well in muffin tins I don’t think. I think they’re a little thinner than normal and they do not just sit down into the tins and I don’t like them for baking.
I do like paper stuff. Stationery and pens and notebooks. Somehow it just seemed liked there should be some sort of papery thing to do with the liners.
So, recently I was wrapping a package for my aunt and I decided to mess around a bit. Now, I’ve done this with them some before, but never quite hit on something I liked.
I took two liners and scrunched them up in the middle.
Then I twisted them in half. Like so.
Then I placed one on top of the other in opposite directions.
Using my handy-dandy stapler, I stapled them together in the center.
Here’s what I ended up with.
I made another one in the same way.
Grabbed my Tacky Glue.
UPDATE: I’ve been using my hot glue gun most of the time to glue the flowers together. It’s quick and adheres faster.
I put one paper flower on top of the other paper flower and glued them together to create a fuller, fluffier flower.
Then, I looked through my button box and found an orange button to glue to the center and add a bit of color!
UPDATE HERE ALSO: ~ I’ve been using bells for the center for Christmas flowers and love them!
Finished flower.
Ready to attach to a gift bag or to an envelope or put with a little note of appreciation on a bedside table.
I had fun!
I knew there was something to be done with those liners!
UPDATE: I’ve also made more flowers with prints and bright colored liners. Hop over here to see them!
So cute! I’m definitely going to have to give this a try!
Pretty easy! Which is pretty much my style!
no waste + pretty = awesome!
And they’re fun to make and come together quickly.
Love this! Thanks for sharing.