It’s all about yarn and reading books too,
These yarn-along posts that I bring here for you,
They brighten my day, they are fun to compose,
Words in a post about things that I love.
Pages of print and bright colored yarn,
These are the subjects I like to talk on.
They both string along till they come to their end,
They both make very dear and fun friends.
Both an adventure, Both crafts you create,
Both wind along, Both fascinate.
A basket of yarn and a big, stack of books,
I very much love both of these looks!
Homey and cozy and comfy and warm,
Bringing in beauty and creating home.
Heart in the story, it flowed from within,
Words and paper and ink from a pen,
Heart in the yarn as the needles clicked on,
Stitch after stitch till project was done!
Books and yarn, beautiful things,
Simple objects, simply charming.
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I am completely enjoying reading this book! I have an advance reader copy as part of Alli Worthington’s Breaking Busy Launch Team. It releases the end of January, but you can pre-order it on Amazon now. Then it will arrive on your doorstep at a good time of year to pour yourself a hot chocolate, grab a cozy blanket and take a break and read! 🙂
I resonate best with books that are simple, practical, real and encouraging. This one captures all that for me. Busyness is a subject that I’ve pondered off and on for the last year or longer. Busyness is a blessing. The ability to move and do things and go about our work is a blessing. But for me, when busy turns into simply stress and have-tos or trying to keep up or doing things out of pressure or a heaped-upon sense of obligation, that’s when I am more than ready to break busy! Because when I start feeling like that, inevitably I start feeling like breaking something. And not in a positive way!!! Teehee!
Breaking Busy pairs well with the message of Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman. I read it earlier this year and it is a favorite. Part of the heart of its message is slowing down and meeting the moments and finding joy in the simple and everyday. So, of course I love it!
I don’t have much to show you in the Yarn world. My dishcloth is a little farther than last week. I wanted to work on my leaf that’s been languishing. Didn’t happen. Our weekend was full and fun. {Refer to Monday post.} And should I say busy?! 😉 In my ponderings about busy, I find myself trying to move away from using the word busy so much. I am thankful for work and things to do and activities we enjoy, but I don’t want BUSY just for the sake of being busy. I want to be like the ant in Proverbs. If that makes any kind of sense at all! Ha!
Here’s my Kid Pick.
If you are shopping for your daughter or granddaughter or a niece or any other special girl, this is a really neat book! The byline sums it up this way, Stories of Women from the Bible, Retold for Girls. You can find it here.
Angie Smith’s blog is one I stumbled upon way back, years ago. 🙂 It was one of the first ones I read. She is inspiring and has walked through the loss of a baby. I have her books What Women Fear and Mended. I’m happy to have them on my bookshelf. Good words. Good reads. Encouraging. All the stuff I said above that I like in a book!

I have seen Breaking Busy several places, it is definitely going to be on my to-read list for 2016. Busy seems to be something I am quite a lot…I’m looking forward to what she has to say on the subject.
I totally recommend it! She shares some hard places they have walked through and it is an easy and practical and encouraging read.
I have learned over the last year or so to simply cut extra things out that I previously felt the “need” to do. It can’t all get done. And it leads to unnecessary stress. Life is too short!
Life IS too short!! Hooray for you!!
The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst is another favorite book of mine. The message really is what you said above. Learning to say yes to the best things and saying no to things that while they are good, aren’t the best. And no one can do everything.