As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. ~ James 5:11
Life holds a lot of waiting.
Waiting in line.
Waiting for spring.
Waiting for a new baby.
Waiting for a repairman.
Waiting for a returned phone call.
Waiting and waiting, when YOU’RE ALMOST FIVE, for your birthday to arrive.
Waiting for nerves to heal and feet to quit aching.
Waiting for the news from a cat scan.
Waiting for rain.
Waiting for time to pass and the ache of loss to not ache so keenly.
Waiting on the school bus.
Waiting for graduation.
Waiting till you can throw your arms tightly around one of your well loved people.
Waiting and waiting, in kiddo years, for Christmas!
Waiting to arrive. Waiting to leave.
Waiting for harvest.
Waiting for a package. Waiting on paperwork.
We rush. We scramble. We change the calendar page again. We fill out our schedules. We make and keep appointments. But in all the busy, the bustle, the hurry, there’s an intermingling of waiting, waiting.
Waiting produces endurance.
Job knew a thing or two about suffering, about waiting. Job didn’t quit. He kept right on. And His Lord “finally brought it about.” His Lord full of compassion and mercy. The God of Job. And my God too! The same yesterday, today, forever!
I don’t really like to wait. I rarely wake up, bounce out of bed, look at my schedule and say, “Woo-hoo! Looks like today is full of waiting!”
Nope. Fact is, I’ve NEVER done that.
Thing is though, we ARE waiting. We are eagerly waiting for our Jesus to come back. I am eagerly awaiting seeing His face! THIS. This is a good kind of waiting.
My Jesus, full of compassion and mercy.
He’s with me. Always.
In every single bit of my waiting. My heart sings grateful.