Who could paint a more glorious, more perfect blue-of-a-background?
Who could create giant mountains topped with crags and ice and snow and then turn around and form delicate buds with petals bunched inside waiting to burst open and announce springtime in all its bright and glorious array?
Who could add brown bulbs that look lifeless and lie hidden in the ground, but a stirring within them and warming days bring them popping up from their hiding place in daffodil and tulip and crocus splendor?
Who could form tiny baby toes and add fuzzy hair and a button nose? Who could create the complex development of eyesight in that tiny baby being and cause it all to come together at the proper time?
Who can put a song in my heart and praise on my lips?
Who can add bounce and springy playfulness inside a puppy dog?
Who can cause the earth to quake, yet sees when a sparrow falls?
Who can create a giant blue whale, huge and majestic and then create a tiny bug called a mite that munches its lunch from our wheat crop?
Who can shape rocks? Small, large, massive. Granite, Marble, Obsidian.
Who can fill an earth with food abundant in rich and wonderful variety? Each fruit tree producing its kind. Grains and olives and nuts and berries and herbs.
Who can create innumerable snowflakes, each reportedly unique and different from all others?
Who created the ocean deeps and also the reflections in puddles?
It all SPRINGS from the hand of our Creator. He who is I AM.
Life is miracle. May I never quit noticing it.
Happy springtime!

How great is our God? He is so good!