We spent a few days in Colorado at the very end of July and right on into the beginning of August. I posted just a few pictures in this Monday post.
We went to Ouray, Colorado. It is called Little Switzerland and it is beautiful. The town is nestled down among very tall, towering, rocky mountains! There were meadows along some of the Jeep trails we went on, that definitely made me think about Heidi and Peter and the goats, in their meadow, in the Alps.
The town is quaint and just really pretty and picturesque.
Just plain PURDY.
Here are some of my mountain-y pictures. It is beautiful, but even looking at the pictures can make my stomach a little churny. I love me some flatlands!
We hiked up a nearby mountain trail one afternoon. I really enjoy hiking. My back and leg were bothering me some, so hiking a mountain trail probably wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. It was really neat anyway. The trail led to a waterfall and a gorgeous view.
The flowers and the weather and temps in Colorado are pretty awesome during the summer months. They do not have the humidity like we can have. And Kansas doesn’t have humidity like Ohio does!!
More on mountains and our few days away later…..
Those trails don’t look like they are for the faint of heart! Seeing the pics is enough to make my knees weak!
Um, no, they are not.
I would not suggest for you to ever go jeeping. LOL!!! You would not enjoy! 🙂 I thought of you!