I so enjoy looking back.
I am so grateful for pictures. I procrastinate at sorting and loading my pictures in this digital picture age, but I am so glad for memories and frozen bits of life. There are so many things I would forget and DO forget until I look back at pictures!
Way back in 2009, I had a welcome party for my sister-in-law soon after she married Matthew’s brother and moved five hours away from her family. I still really love the colors that this party ended up.
I found the black and white purse at Target and asked everyone to bring a small gift item for my sister-in-law. We tucked them all in the bag and sent it home with her as a welcome gift.
I’d not thought of sugar-rimmed glasses for a long time! I rather forget how I did them. I think I just wetted down the rim of the glass pretty good and dipped it into sugar and let it dry. Hmmm. Now I’m going to have to have another party!
This centerpiece was a fun one too. Admittingly, a bit tall for conversation, but it was ok and you can sort of see through it and it was ladies and ladies like pretty and party!
I never realized at this point as I snapped pictures that some day I’d have a blog to add them to. Setting up parties has been one of my hobbies/loves/things since I was a teen. I’ve liked taking pictures ever since I was a teen too. My parents gave me a nice camera for my sixteenth birthday. I often drove into K-Mart or Wal-Mart, pulled out the film envelope, filled in my name and address, stuffed the roll of film inside the envelope and dropped it into the bin to get shipped off to the developer.
I’d go back and pick up my printed pictures, hastily tearing open the envelope and flipping through the photos to see how my pictures turned out. If I was lucky, they would be clear and no red eyes for the most part, thanks to the red eye reduction on my camera!
In 2006, I got a digital Kodak camera that I really loved. I took lots of pictures and could see quickly if they turned out or not! I took many of the same kind of pictures I take now; I just didn’t know much about what a blog was back then. I think I soon started reading blogs. I really can’t remember for sure what year I first dipped my toes into the blog world. Blogs soon became a favorite~right up there with photography and baking and parties.
When I start looking through my old pictures I see so many that I think would be fun to blog! I guess that means I won’t run out of material for a while.
Oh, the paths that memory lane takes me on!
You love doing parties and I love attending your parties! Fun walk down memory lane.
Memories are fun! They get more so the older I get! Maybe because I have more?! 🙂 It’s always fun when you can be here.
How beautiful! Glad you shared – and I love the sugar dipped glasses. I know for sugared fruit I’ve dipped the fruit in whipped egg whites and then sugar.
I think I’ve done that with grapes before. It’s been quite a while. Like soon after we moved into our old farmhouse. I want to have a porch party sometime…….. All these sugar ideas are making my party mode kick in! And I saw the cutest outside table thing made out of pallets on Instagram.