We say “Hello new week!”
Hello! Hello! Hello!
We have a giveaway going on and we’ve been thinking about laughter and how much a kitchen means!
Cooper says, “Hey”!
We mow grass.
See the buildings. See the cows.
Hello big GREEN tomato. Please ripen.
Hello RED tomatoes. Thank-you sis-in-law!!
We can tomato juice.
See Tucker read. Tucker can read.
We help at a tea party at Grandma’s house. Renae, ready to go!
We wear flexis. The Daisy Dangle Freestyle~it’s ready to ride along to the tea party in Renae’s hair! {One of my favorite flexis.}
Lovely, lovely tea cup and holder!
I’d never seen a holder like this and I’m really loving it. My mother-in-law gave this set to her sister for her birthday. {The tea party we helped her with was a birthday tea for her sis.} The tea set belonged to one of their aunts, so that was pretty cool and special!
Time for laundry. Time for clothespin art.
We wash a four-wheeler.
We spy a huge bubble. Awesome!
We park in the shade, waiting to get washed.
Let’s move dirt! Last week we worked up stickers!
We pick pumpkins in the garden!
We enjoy cinnamon-swirl bread, delivered to our door!
We work on puzzles! Hello 3-D USA puzzle!
We knit away!
We work on the corn header. We run errands in town. Town used to be my weekly outing with my small daughter. Now, I procrastinate. We eat lunch with a friend for her birthday. We deliver pick-up parts to have them worked on. We pick up produce. Tomatoes from my sister-in-law. Mine don’t want to turn red. Potatoes and eggs from our neighbor and peaches from Grandma! We put on fertilizer. We clean house-you can only put it off for so long it seems. We break out the Odyssey and listen, while we work in the basement. We eat brisket and potatoes and green bean-corn casserole, all off the Traeger. Thanks {great, big thanks} to my husband’s big brother and to some birthday gifts in the form of money, we’ve been blessed with a Traeger grill and we are LoViNg it!! We haul hay for our neighbor’s cows. We pray for a friend’s health and for a relative’s. We clean, on Labor Day, at the Dr’s. office, so we can go during the day instead of the evening. We get an allergy shot. Hopefully it makes corn harvest better. We do mechanic work. We practice flips on the trampolines. We change light bulbs. We have a decor sign delivered. So excited to have it up on our bedroom wall! We get birthday cards ready for friends. We cheer for the Denver Broncos. Hooray-they won! We draw with markers and listen to Jonathon Parks. We clean out the pet’s topper and put in clean straw. We think it’s hot. August’s weather is here in September.
We watch the week speed by…………
What did you do last week?

LOVE the pics of the 4 wheeler! And that last one of the tractor. And the one of Renae knitting. And the bread on the plate! Are you shooting in manual? It looks like you are controlling the light more – looks GREAT! (I’m considering upgrading my camera!)
I have been using manual and it is fun. The only problem is it takes time sometimes to get the right settings and then I’m missing my photo opp because I’m messing with my camera!
After seeing what all your week held, mine seems pretty empty! I really like that pretty teacup and saucer and I’ve never seen a holder for them like that. It is such a neat set and makes a really great gift, especially since it’s a family piece. Cooper is growing!! So fun to see Tucker washing the 4wheeler. 10year old boys are so great to have around. Fun to see Renae working in the kitchen, something that’s fun to do with teenagers. Enjoyed all the pics very much.
I know, isn’t the holder unique?!! I tried to sneak it home with me. 😉
10 year old boys and 13 year old girls are lots of fun and lots of help!!
If you made a list of some of the things your week held, it would be much fuller than you think!
I don’t know why but I wasn’t able to see all the updates to your blog! But I can now so I’m catching up! 🙂 That tea cup & saucer holder is really neat! That 3D US puzzle is neat too!