I’ve always liked Valentine’s Day. I like the colors and though hearts wouldn’t just be my thing, I like them at Valentine’s Day. Red has always been one of my favorite colors and in recent years, I love pink just as much. So the colors of Valentine’s Day rock for me! I like to check out all the pretty flowers and artistic packages of candy. I’m a sucker for packaging. I don’t love the price tags on everything, but it doesn’t cost to look. Yippee! I enjoy the candy that is wrapped and colored for holidays. I think Easter candy is my favorite, but Valentine’s runs a close second. A bowl of pastel peanut M&M’s on my kitchen table, just looks springy. Although they soon disappear!
My kiddos and I have made valentines some years, but we don’t always get it done. I always see ideas for every holiday that would be fun to do, but we don’t even come close to doing it all. Not even close. I am not high-energy enough for that.
This year we did a very simple and fun valentine. I came across this super-cute idea with free printables over at JodieFitz.com. Thanks Jodi, for sharing! My kiddos and I had fun making them. Well, my daughter and I did most of them. My son was drawing and listening to Odyssey, but he did take time to do a few.
We also made these super-cute and super-yummy cookies from The Kitchen is My Playground. These cookies could be personalized for any holiday. How great is that? I’ve always enjoyed making fun cookies, but I don’t take the time nearly as often as I used to. I decided that I should do them more now that I have two great helpers. Except we don’t need desserts around any more often. 🙂 I couldn’t believe how quickly we got them done. My kiddos were both around and both excited about making these sweet treats. I made the cookie balls while they rolled them in sprinkles. They unwrapped the hugs and kisses while I started baking the cookies and putting sprinkles away. I had to stop and think about how long it would’ve taken me all on my own. I would have still been rolling cookie balls in sprinkles and here we were finished!
Now we just need to distribute our valentines and some of the cookies sometime next week. I think that’s where I get hung up on doing things a lot of time. Even something simple has several steps.
- You have to decide what you’re doing
- You have to make a list of the supplies you need, because if you’re like me you never have everything on hand.
- You have to shop.
- You have to have your husband get you more candy because you forgot that you needed hugs and kisses for the valentines and the cookies.
- You get everything spread out for creating.
- You then do your project.
- Time to deliver the project.
And I don’t have the brain power for remembering and organizing projects that I used to have. *see step number four. Not that I ever had much. Unfortunately, even at that, I can tell a difference. A few years ago I would try to let my kiddos win when we played a game without being too obvious. Not anymore. I’m getting older, they’re getting older. I’m aging, they’re heading towards their prime. I get mixed up, they know what’s going on.
Mother, remember how we used to laugh at things you’d get mixed up on? I totally understand now. I’m there with you. I just have to laugh when it happens and they’re correcting me and I think this feels so familiar except I’m playing a different role. Circle of life, circle of life it is.
Despite my struggling brain cells, we did have valentine fun doing both of these simple {and yummy} projects! If you haven’t entered yet, you can hop over here and check out these Valentine giveaways!

I do remember how much my kids helped me out when I got mixed up about something. (Also, I remember how they howled with laughter!) That’s ok, just keep laughing! Your time of life right now is what I would go back to if it were possible to choose. But aren’t we glad that there are so much better things ahead! Thank you, Jesus.
I’m trying to figure out what is in the living room behind R and T in the pic of them rolling cookies in sprinkles.
I tell Matthew sometimes that we are living some of our best years RIGHT now. I often think of you saying that and I agree with you. Every time has its good times though. I often feel the pang of, “We have this moment to hold in our hand and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand…”
You are seeing our dining room table. It is folded up on its side. That is its unique feature. We may try to sell it.
HI there – THANKS for sharing…was so excited to see the kids in action using my free printable!
I linked your button & your post to my Valentine Printable post! Have a very Happy Valentine – hope it’s SWEET!
~ Jodie 🙂
Thanks again for the printable and for linking to me. We had lots of fun making the valentines. I’m a simple-and-easy project mama all the way!!!
Yum. Love all these pics!