It’s Hello Monday time!
Hello to a pickup that has a transmission overheating.
Hello to a crashing school laptop.
Hello to hot dogs roasted in the stove.
Hello to staying home with all the snow outside. And hello to getting out to go to an appointment for a massage and to clean the doctors’ office.
Hello to Renae staying overnight with and helping her Grandma serve food at the Red Cross Blood Drive.
Hello to a growing puppy who likes to chew on everything!
Hello to working on siding on the old, two-toned roof, garage building at our house.
Hello to my sister, the seamstress from Sew a Fine Seam, being featured over here at Janome. {I couldn’t link to the specific post-you’ll have to scroll down to see it.} SO EXCITED FOR HER.
Hello to horribly bumpy, snow-packed, icy, muddy-in-places roads. I’m quite content to stay in.
Hello to time with our little man while sis was helping Grandma.
Hello to ice cream cones and good books.
Hello to a friend and her mother coming by to visit for a few hours and bringing me a pretty bouquet of flowers.
Hello to Linking up with Lisa!
Oh NO! Could you rescue the laptop and is the transmission fixable? I dislike vehicle and computer problems very much! Everything else sounds and looks ok – except the bad roads of course!
I like for my stuff to just work right too! The pickup should be ok. Not sure what is up with it. Long story.
I restored the laptop to factory condition and it is working, but keeps telling us that the hard drive is going to crash. I need to call the computer guru. So hard to know how much money to put into it.
I’ve been able to stay in, and I think the roads are melting off and drying out!