I can not imagine being trapped under the rubble of an earthquake. I can’t imagine needing serious medical help and not having any help available.
I’m sure no one ever visualizes this happening to them. And, we can’t go through life expecting the worse. Not only does this make life miserable, but it exercises a complete lack of faith and trust.
The other evening Patrick and Barb Lataillade, from Haiti, spoke in our little town, about their experience in surviving the earthquake and about their ministry in Haiti. It was so interesting to listen to them. They have such hearts for God and for the people of Haiti. They sang “God is so Good” in Creole for us when they were finished speaking. It was beautiful.
Patrick lost his right arm from the earthquake and Barb lost her right leg. As the pamphlet that I picked up says, “They both have amputations from the quake. In spite of this detour, they continue the work in Haiti.” They live in Florida, now, but Patrick continues to travel to Haiti, often. There is a prayer calendar and I noticed that Patrick left for Haiti yesterday.
I bought Barb’s book “Under The Rubble”. It tells about their experience in the earthquake and about life in Haiti. It is very good! Life is so much different from anything I am used to. Several of the chapters have cute cartoons drawn on the last page and each has the caption, “You know you have lived in Haiti when..” and then some fact about life in Haiti. I’m not too fond of the one that says, “You know you have lived in Haiti when you come face to face with a tarantula”. I want to read the book aloud with my kiddos! I know we will all enjoy reading it. It helps me focus on my blessings and continue in prayer for all the people around the world. Not only because of natural disasters, but because of the need for the knowledge of a Savior. We all have our place to fill and serve, but I am impressed and blessed, by the testimony of people, who have sacrificed much, much more in their own lives than I have, through the giving of themselves to their ministries. May God be glorified!
Their ministry plants churches and has started three schools and established a clinic. You can visit their website to learn more about their outreach and ministry, Living Word Ministries. If you like to read, definitely check Barb’s book out!
I would definitely like to read her book. Would have been good to have been there to hear them talk and sing.
It is very interesting!
P.s. I made the poor man’s steak {it’s been years!} thought my kids would like it…..what in the world is golden mushroom soup.
I used cream of mush.
I tried to find it at the grocery and couldn’t fine it??
btw thanks again for everyting……It’s finally calm{er} around here again. How’s the house next door??
I think the golden mushroom soup is a Campbell’s soup. I don’t think I’ve ever found it in an off brand. It can kinda blend in with the rest. I like it better than cream of mushroom, but it is also more expensive!
Glad things are calming down for you..loved having you! Still waiting as far as the house next door. Nothing moves quickly!