You know what I like about blogs?
I like how a blog lets you peek into someone else’s world. It gives you a glimpse of their life or world. Of the things they like or do. It gives me a taste of things that I don’t do at all. Or it lets me empathize with someone who does do the things I do. They show me other countries. Blogs teach me things and inspire ideas.
As a kid, I always enjoyed driving home through town at night, and seeing houses with their windows lit up. It always looked so interesting to catch a glimpse of someone else’s home and wonder who they were and what their home was like.
People are interesting. All the diverse styles and interests and likes and dislikes. I am not a people person. I like small groups and time with close friends. But, I like people. I like to hear other people’s thoughts and see the wonderful, creative ideas people come up with. I like the different customs that people and cultures have. I like the diversity that God has written into people.
This blog world is interesting. I read and follow someone’s blog and I start feeling like I know them. Or I could be really good friends with them. They have my sense of humor. They like things that I like. Or they are so different from me, but it opens a whole new world. Yes, I feel like I know them and then I remember, Oh, yeah, they don’t know me. 🙂 Yet, I like getting to “know” someone because they blog.
I also have real life friends and family that have blogs. It is a great way to keep in touch with them, especially when they live many miles away. I get to see pictures of their lives and families and homes. It’s even better than a letter in the mail.
Then there are blogs written by people who I am acquainted with, but don’t know that well. I enjoy getting to know them better. Much better than I ever would’ve otherwise.
My blog has also made me accountable. That sounds kind of funny. But it’s true. I can’t act impatient and selfishly to my family and turn around and write wonderful sounding things. Not that I don’t ever get impatient or act unkindly. But, if I’m going to talk the talk, I need to walk the walk. Even, if only my Mother and sister read my blog! 😉
So there we have it, a few reasons I enjoy blogs!
What is something you like about blogs?
I like em for all the same reasons! My list of blogs I read is constantly changing some it seems. I get bored a little sometimes of one thing and move on to the next. That’s a nice thing about blogs too, if you move on you aren’t really hurting any feelings cause you don’t know the peopl in real life:)
There are so many blogs out there! Unbelievable!
Have you seen the quote on Pinterest that says… “I love you, blogs, and coffee”? I had it up on my computer background and Nate said… “That looks like you, but I am surprised that I come before blogs and coffee.” I love blogs, too. I love reading posts from sisters in Christ and feeling close to them (like you 🙂 If I am reading a looking at blogs when I am weak, sometimes I can let jealousy creep in and I can feel like a loser. But if I am reading them to appreciate other’s abilities and gifts, it can strengthen my walk. Love your blog and love you. I would love to be able to spend time with you in person sometime! For now, I’ll just appreciate your walk in Christ as a mother, a teacher, a wife, and a Sister from many miles away.
That’s funny! I can imagine my husband making the same sort of comment! I understand about the jealousy…I like Pinterest, but it can make me feel very untalented!! I agree-I would like to see you “for real” sometime. I smile sometimes to think that I got to know who you are through my sister through your sister!
I still love to look into windows at night when the lights are on (as I am driving by of course, not up close like a stalker!). I’m quite nosy so I get a look into other people’s lives and how they live without anyone calling the cops on me!
😉 Know what you mean! Definitely not stalkeresque-just interesting to catch a glimpse…