My kiddos went to Ohio yesterday!
They haven’t often went by themselves. The opportunity has not offered itself very often. When it did, at the end of last week, my husband said they should take it. And I agreed. We knew there would be grandparents on the other end that would be so, so happy and cousins who would jump for joy. And an uncle and aunt excited to see them.
Part of me is doing a happy dance at that thought of time with my husband-just us-and some time to myself. Time to clean the house all up and have it stay pretty much that way.
Another part of me is sniffing and feeling a little lonely. Like the house is too quiet. And too cleaned up{can that happen?} No cheery “Hey Mom’s” and no hugs from my small people.
I’ve heard the saying that to be a mother is to have your heart forever walk around outside your body. I can feel this truth. My two, that God has given me, entered my thought and prayers so much yesterday as they traveled across all those miles.
Last night, as I drove home from cleaning at the doctor’s office, I pondered this thought of being a mother and loving and caring and having that protective mother’s instinct.
I wondered if my children slept much as they traveled. We were up at 2:30 to drive them and their grandmother from Kansas, to meet their ride.
I wondered if they ate all the lunches that we packed for them to take along.
I wondered how much my son snuffed his nose during the long trip.
I wondered if they had fun and made new friends with the other kiddos who were also traveling to see their grandma in Ohio.
I wondered if they were hyper and excited as they drew near to their destination.
I wondered what my dearie nieces would say when they their cousins showed up at their house and surprised them.
I wondered what will all the fun things they do in Ohio be?!
I rejoiced that God had blessed me with my children and that they could go to spend some time with grandparents and bless them.
And I understood better than I did the day before, that a part of my heart will forever wonder about, pray for, and be with my children wherever they are at.
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Enjoy your quiet week! If u miss the noise, we can bring some over! I know what you mean about missing them.. Happy and Sad at the same time:(
I might have to pop in for my noise fix! When will you be outside for a while? That’s when I want to come, so I can check out the cookie options. tee-hee! 🙂
Lots of action and fun going on here! So fun to see the surprise on the cousins’ faces!! Sounds like there were several naps on the way here. There are still food snacks although they say they did eat some on the way. And they say the excitement mounted as they got closer. Had fun at Farmer’s at lunch time today. (By the way, your heart will never be all your own again, no matter how old your children are.)Enjoy the quiet!
I am enjoying doing some organizing without interruptions. 🙂
I’m sure there is lots of fun and action happening and I have been enjoying thinking about it.
And I’m enjoying hanging out with my man!
Wonderful treat for the “too-far-away-grandparents” !!
Can you tell I’m looking forward to the day…our babies come for a “stay-with-far-away-Grammy” visit?
I understand your sadness, though. One thing is fairly certain, you will think of them LOTS more than they are thinking of you, just cause that’s a mother’s heart, and they’ll be busy with cousins, etc! Enjoy your quiet time!
It is a treat for far-away grandparents and a special time. It’s just neat to have one-on-one time.
I think you have a little grandson that will be pretty excited to be coming to stay with grandpa and grandma on their farm! 🙂 Granddaughter too, no doubt!
I am enjoying some extra time to work on a few projects and to get school stuff organized and ready.
So much fun to have them here! Larke stood for about 3 and a half seconds in shock then hugged them both and she and Tucker flew up the stairs to play! I don’t think they’ve stopped since – well for a few hours of sleep but L said it was 1:00 before they went to sleep last night. They are here tonight and I’m about to head to bed and hopefully settle them too.
I had to laugh when you wondered if Tucker snuffed his nose much on the way out because I noticed him doing that on the way home from vbs tonight and wondered if he had allergies bugging him!! LOL!!!
I don’t think it’s allergies. Not sure what the problem is. He’s been doing it for a long time.
Love how Larke took it in stride and they dashed off to play. Kids are so great!
Enjoy the peace and quiet! 🙂
I really have been, though I know I will be very happy to have my kiddos back home. I’ve also been enjoying time with my husband!
This is so true- I often think of these words, as my children (6) are all grown now, and moved out on their own. My heart is walking around in six different places, constantly, every day! And yet, it is so amazing that God is the One who holds our heart together, even as it is with each of our children. (Thanks for visiting me at Pursuing Heart, and for your thoughtful comment left!)
I can relate in my limited experience. The most I’ve left my son is 2 nights (he’s 18 months old) but I couldn’t help but wonder the whole time what he was up to!
Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday!