What could be better for January than to talk about blankets?
Our January has been pretty much a chilly one! But this week we’ve had some awesomely warm weather and sunshine and some 70’s!! Woo-hoo!
A lot of January, I’ve been thankful to pretty much stay inside .
I’ve been thankful for ductwork. I’ve been thankful for a wood furnace diligently working away and gobbling up wood. I’ve been thankful for wood cutters in our family. Quite thankful. It’s not a job I could do.
And I’ve been thankful for cozy blankets!
It seemed like a good time to talk about some of my favorite blankets and add to my Three Things posts.
The throw in the photo above is one of my faves. It is really soft, but it’s thick and it is furry on one side and cozy warm. It hangs out in our living room. I *think* it came from Bed, Bath & Beyond. I’m not entirely sure. My mother gave it to me for Christmas the first year we lived in our current farmhouse and the year my family was here for Christmas.
Ah!!! THIS blanket. Love, love, love it.
From Ikea.
I have more than one in my house.
I bought one last year at Christmastime, when my sister and I and a friend went to Ikea. My first and only time to shop Ikea. I have several favorites that came from Ikea. Ikea just has its own charm and it’s hard to describe.
Anyway, I brought this blanket home. I fell in love with it in the store and even more once I brought it home with me. It reminded me of the lightweight blankets my sister-in-laws use for their baby girls. The blankets are super soft, lightweight, but big. I think they’re called swaddling blankets and they are the best thing. They used them to wrap the girlies in when they were tiny and now the girls sleep with them as their blankies. I love them! {The blankets and the girls.}{Not necessarily in that order, just talkin’ blankets here.}
I’ve loved baby stuff ever since I was old enough to play dolls. I used to browse through the baby department when I was anywhere from six or seven or eight years old and up. Loved to look at all the pacis and outfits and blankets. And I loved having “real” baby stuff for my dolls. I had real bottles and pacis and even some preemie size clothes for my dolls.
Back to blankets.
My sister frequents Ikea pretty often. She gets pillow forms there for her custom pillows. I texted her and told her to get me another ruffled blanket the next time she went. It’s so great! Perfect for summer. Perfect for the times you want a lightweight cover. It’s stretchy and soft and it’s pretty and ruffly! What’s not to love?
It looks awesome draped across the end of a bed. I have one on our bed and love it. My sister has this blanket too and I think she’s used it on the end of her bed. I was at a friend’s house last summer and she had this ruffled blanket on the end of her bed and of course, I noticed it and we had a nice little conversation about how much we both love it! #girltalk
Then there’s my basement blankets. Now, I know the title of this post has three in it. It may be misleading. I’m not really talking about only three specific blankets. It kinda got broader than that.
It works though.
I love our basement. Especially in the winter. It’s usually cozy warm, because the wood furnace is in the basement and keeps it toasty. We have school lessons in the basement, read books, play games, eat popcorn, blog, do bookwork, office stuff, farmer man’s office, watch movies…to name a few things.
Basically, we have a basement family room. And, in my opinion, any family room or rec room needs blankets to cozy up in!
We have several that have been collected over the years. The zebra one used to be on my husband’s bed before he was my husband and when he still lived with his mom and dad. The green one has been a long time favorite and was well used in our living room at our old farmhouse. It was needed. Our old farmhouse could get quite chilly.
The truck one was made and given to Tucker as a thank-you for helping in Matthew’s youngest brother’s wedding. Renae has one somewhere with ladybugs from the same event. They were super fun gifts and are really heavy and warm. That’s been seeeeevvveral years ago and the kiddos could wrap up in them much easier then.
The owl one and the John Deere one were both kits that Renae made.
My mother actually gave Matthew the John Deere one for Christmas one year. She didn’t realize it was a kit until after he opened it. We got quite a few laughs out of it when we realized. Especially giving Matthew a bad time about how much fun he would have making a blanket! And a John Deere one! 😉 It turned out quite well, because Renae had a total ball putting the blanket together. Ah, memories…
Somewhere, we have a soccer one that Tucker made when Renae made the owl one.
We have a few tucked into a cupboard and the ladybug and soccer blankets must be among them.
So, that’s a lot of words about blankets! I am thankful for blankets. I love to wrap up. Plus, I get cold easily in the winter. Even in the summer I don’t like the a/c turned down too low. BUT, I’m totally glad to have air conditioning.
Do you get hung up on favorite blankets?
Linking up over here at Anne’s………
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Moving to a colder climate I had to buy a few blankets. The plaid vintage gems are my favorite. I adore your white bubbly blanket.
Have a beautiful day!
Plaid vintage blankets sound pretty fun! I’m betting I would love them in my basement.
I adore the white ruffly blanket too. 🙂
I love a good blanket! My faux fur blanket mom gave me for Christmas is my fav right now and i’d love to have another. And that IKEA one – I have two of those too. I love it.
Oh the good laughs we had over the blanket kit! One of the best things about family – the memories and laughter shared!
If you find any more of that fur blanket you got for Christmas, I’d like to have one of those too. I really loved it! Blankets are such a blessing!!! {Ask me how I know.} #nearlyfrozepeopleinmyoldhouse