We live in a very old farmhouse.
This very old farmhouse that we live in needs a lot of updates. It needed a lot when we moved into it and after fourteen years it needs even more. We’ve never done too much to it, because long term we really didn’t think we wanted to put a lot of money into it.
To make a very long story short, we recently purchased a house on the property adjacent to our location. It needs work, too, but it has much more potential than the very old (and drafty) farmhouse that we have been living in.
So, I have been thinking about this ole house that we have lived in for fourteen years. We have been blessed and thankful to have a house. We’ve I’ve also complained about this house. We’ve made memories in this ole house. We’ve laughed in this house. We’ve dreamed in this house. We’ve brought our new babies home to this house. We’ve had birthday parties in this house. We’ve played games. We’ve had numerous dear friends and family stay with us in this house. We’ve painted walls in this house. We’ve pulled off wallpaper in this house. We’ve watched chunks of ceiling fall down. We’ve wrestled storm windows in this house. We’ve put in window air conditioners every spring and taken them out every fall. We’ve been sick in this house. We’ve read books and watched movies together in this house. We’ve started kindergarten in this house.
We’ve built Legos. We’ve played Pollys and American Girl. We’ve been up at night with babies. We’ve done endless amounts of laundry. We’ve roasted hot dogs in our wood stove in this house. We’ve been creative about closets in the upstairs of this house. We’ve almost frozen friends and family who slept in the upstairs of this ole house-because we were young and oblivious and didn’t realize just how cold this ole house is. We’ve watched the roof on this house continue to deteriorate. We’ve pressure washed and painted on the outside of this house.
We’ve picked up and put away. We’ve pulled things out and we’ve piled. We’ve brought home puppies to this house. We’ve fixed bottles for baby calves in this house. We’ve cooked. We’ve cleaned-at least occasionally! We’ve baked. We’ve sang and we’ve danced. We’ve pretended and imagined. We’ve cried in this house. We’ve given thanks in this house. We’ve learned things and we’ve forgotten things in this ole house.
All in all, we have lived in this house. We have loved in this house. And it has been our home. This ole house has never really been our dream house, but it has been our dream HOME!! And for this we are thankful and humbled and all we can say is, “Thank-you, Lord, thank-you.”
“It takes a lot of livin’ in a house to make a home” and you have certainly made that old house a home! And that home will go with you to the “new” house.
Praise God that home is wherever your family is!
Amen to what Mom said! Reading through your post it almost makes you weepy to think about the house you’ve done all those things in no longer being around. But then you stop and realize that it is the HOME that has been built and cultivated – and it goes with you! Praise God indeed for the memories built, love shown, and happiness created in your home.
Pics of some of the stuff you mentioned would be fun – you know – the creative closets, the ceiling falling in, etc. you will want them in years to come – so get to photographing!!
And don’t forget all the ‘before’ photos of the new house. i’m terrible at remembering to take those – and then when I have the ‘after’ photos I want the ‘before’ photos. and the only way to have them is to take them BEFORE!!!!
I know-I’m bad at the before pics too. Still wish we had more of this place. I’m n ot sure how “fun”, pics of the creative closets and ceilings are! 🙂 Writing can always romanticize things somewhat!
I have my moments about this ole house and feeling rather sentimental, despite all its not-so-wonderful features.
Awwwwww, what a sweet post! Sounds like a beautiful HOME!!!