Does anyone out there like unpacking suitcases?
I would say it’s not my favorite thing. I do like to get it done though. A week of living out of a suitcase while we’re away from home is enough. My suitcases always start out with good intentions. Everything in its own section and categorized. But, about one day in and everything decides to have a grand reunion and become one royal, rumpled mess, so that you have to sort and paw and dig to come up with what you want. And if you’re lucky, you will actually find two socks that go together!
I used to like packing for a trip and didn’t mind the unpacking too much. Anymore, I like going and being there, but I could do without the whole packing and unpacking thing. My kids can even do most of their own compared to when they were toddlers, but somehow packing is just a bigger obstacle than it used to be for me. I am getting older…
So, my suitcases are unpacked, although a couple of them are still waiting to find their way upstairs to wait patiently until they are needed again.
We spent Christmas in Ohio at my parents. Totally, enjoyed being there! We were very blessed with safety over the many miles going and coming! We laughed, we ate, we sang, we took pictures, we opened gifts, we had pageants, we shopped, we prayed, we cooked, we saw friends, we enjoyed!
Home again and back to school and all the everyday things of life. One thing I like about being gone is that it always feels good to come home again! It’s nice to have a break and then it feels good to get back at the “stuff” we do!
Do you travel for the holidays?
And even more importantly, do you have any good suitcase/packing/unpacking tips?!!
I’m with you on the packing and unpacking. Unpacking is usually easier – I just dump it all in the laundry room. Then the REAL work begins – the washing, drying, folding…
I AM ready to pack my bags and head your way!!
It is warmer here…right now, anyway!
I love the description of the suitcase “reunion”! I’ve never been a fan of packing suitcases but the promise of seeing loved ones always spurs me on. Unpacking seems an even greater job but I’ve found that the best way is to get it done as quickly as possible. Seems like putting away the suitcases can be strung out the longest and why is that?! When all it takes is a few minutes of stuffing them back in the closet! We totally enjoyed having you here. Every Christmas seems like the best ever! Thanks again for coming.
Thanks for commenting over at my place. I like your blog…your header is very cute! I don’t like packing or unpacking either.
I’m wondering…are you a “clean the house before you leave so you come home to a clean house” person or a “just make it out the door without leaving things out that will be smelly when we get home” kind of person?
I wish I was a clean house kind of person, but usually I am greeted by a messy but clean-ish, at least the dishes are done house.
I am “a clean the house before you leave” person, but it doesn’t get done nearly as well as it used to. Doesn’t make sense, because I don’t have toddlers anymore, so it should be easier, right?! I am good, with having dishes done and things picked up and (mostly) put away! 🙂
We travel every Christmas and to me the unpacking is always the worst. In addition to unpacking all the clothes, we also have to unpack all the presents. And it is always at that time that I wished I had done a huge purge of toys, clothes, etc. Every year I say I will do it in November and then every year I never do! Maybe I should make that my October goal because November and December are just so busy!!
I’ve decided that there is never a slow time of year anymore, whether it’s January or December!
One thing I like about unpacking the presents is that it is kind of like opening them all over again! But, I agree, then you have extras to put away also!