I sit behind the window glass, snug, tucked away from the wind rushing its way across frozen fields.
The dishwasher sings a gurgly song and the wind chime sways a melody on the porch.
The window above the kitchen sink frames snowflakes in a swirling dance.
Heat wafts through the vents from the fire my good farmer man faithfully built in the basement furnace.
Our baby wheat shivers its tiny shoulders against the battering wind and snow.
My dearie girl arrives home from work with hat and coat fastened up tight, wading through a wind-driven snowdrift.
A friend braves the weather with cheery smile and quick chat as she runs by on an errand.
Candles flicker in their places. I lit them this morning before I started our coffee.
In the corner, the grandfather clock sings its half-past song.
Evening dusk will gather early with snow-laden skies.
Winter can seem bleak. Winter can be bleak.
The teakettle steams a happy whistle, while the dishwasher begins its final cycle.
Cold and chill chip around the edges.
Winter presents a different beauty. It can’t be found in tulip blooms or summer sun. No autumn blaze of leaves.
Sometimes drab. Sometimes shockingly gorgeous.
Winter carries extremes.
Yet, so much is hidden.
Winter offers rest. A hunkering down. Opportunity to count gratitude for shorter hours, for seeking cozy.
Winter reminds us to pause. To embrace the work done in the hidden and unseen.
To remember hope and how it silently shoots up despite frost and freeze.
My phone chirps a text and I spy Jackie heading toward her kennel and heat lamp.
We’re right wrapped with winter today, but the sunshine always ushers back springtime, with no pomp or circumstance, when renewal is ready for the quiet awakening to begin.

You painted a beautiful picture with your words. I enjoy your writing so much!
Thank you so much for your kindness. I appreciate it and having you here as an ADG comrade. May your week be graced with peace and hope!