“Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” ~ Proverbs 19:20-21
These two verses are on the inside front cover flap in the book I bring us today.
We have a giveaway for a copy of Tested and Approved by Tom Lane.
These verses seem timely and applicable. When are they not, really, yet they seemed like a great reminder to begin this week and our year.
Despite turmoil, discouragement, unrest, questions, myriads of voices and opinions, sickness, hospitalizations, loneliness, or any other hard thing we could be facing, the purpose of the Lord will stand! This sentence voiced in a few words bolsters and encourages us indeed.

The subtitle of Tested and Approved reads, 21 Lessons For Life and Ministry.
I believe each of the 21 lessons are applicable for any human who is breathing in oxygen and seeking to live life with intention and integrity. 🙂
Here’s the thing. The best of the best of us still get tripped up at times. We lose sleep, lose our tempers, lose focus.
I find my own self and life in constant need of reminders to live with intention.
Much more often than I would like my feathers become ruffled or I scrape up against a rough edge and retort without regulating my response.
I need to be reminded to hug kindness close, to own responsibility for my reactions, to ask Jesus to fill me with compassion, and move me beyond my own self-focus.
Lesson 3 is titled:
“We Will Be Known By The Fruit We Produce”
How’s that for a reminder about what’s bubbling out of me?
In this chapter, I especially liked this quote and reminder.
“When you feel pressured by others’ demands, remember God is the only One who valued you before you did a single thing. He is the One who rejoices over you and celebrates every incremental milestone of your progress.”
Page 5 of the book found this reminder and words resonating with me personally ~ “Give up the bad habit of trying to compare yourself, your ministry, or your circumstances to someone else’s. That toxic thinking will lead you to a place you don’t need to go. In fact, comparison can only lead you to one of two unhealthy extremes – depression or pride.”
Absolutely. I’ve been mulling this over ever since. It’s not something I haven’t known, but it’s a reminder I can use and will need again.
I like lists, so the format of Tested and Approved laid out in 21 lessons resonated with me. You can pick up the book and read one chapter and ponder the lessons and applications from that particular lesson. Read them all in order or flip to the one catching your attention on a given day.
They can be visited and re-visited again and again.
Here’s a bit of the behind-the-scenes about the book info shared with me ~ “Tom Lane intended to pass along the 21 lessons for life and ministry in Tested and Approved to his kids and grandkids. But when a short notice speaking engagement popped up, he pitched the idea of what he wants to hand to the next generation. These lessons shaped his most popular speaking message and turned into an incredible new hardback book and mentor playbook!”
You’ll also find a 5-Day Devotional Plan to accompany Tested and Approved right here on YouVersion if you’re interested.
Here’s a quick rundown of the 21 Lessons titles ~
No. 1. Ministry and Life are not fair.
No. 2. Ministry is about people before it is about results.
No. 3. We will be known by the fruits we produce.
No. 4. Success is a process.
No. 5. Accountability is a good thing.
No. 6. Every generation has the responsibility to build wealth.
No. 7. Take responsibility for your mistakes.
No. 8. Respect and honor the past.
No. 9. Excellence is a reflection of effort and attitude.
No. 10. Live your life in a godly rhythm.
No. 11. Seek out and embrace what is true.
No. 12. Be nice to people who are different.
No. 13. You are either an influence or you’re being influenced.
No. 14. Make spiritual hygiene as important as physical hygiene.
No. 15. Life is lived in seasons, so learn to recognize and celebrate their coming and going.
No. 16. Don’t take up an offense, especially one that is not your own.
No. 17. Respect and appreciate the platform you have been given.
No. 18. Love is courageous, yet it does not enable.
No. 19. Be gracious in transition and remember God is in charge!
No. 20. Watch your six-at all times!
No. 21. Finish strong and don’t coast to the finish line!

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I am reading and studying “Deep Rooted” by Kathy Howard. Also” Forgiving What You Can’t Forget” Lysa Terkeurst