Laughter brings lightness to the heart! Laughter softens sharp edges. Laughter diminishes discouragement. Laughter adds music notes to our days!
Is there anything quite as delightful as a baby’s giggle?! A child’s happy chuckle or squeal of mirth?!
The older I get the more I believe it takes effort and thoughtful intention to chase after the positive parts of life. Be it gratitude, positivity, encouraging words, cheering each other on, delighting in the day or making space for laughter; these require intentional pursuing! Negativity, complaining, ungratefulness, and grumpiness seem to sneak in without any invitation needed!
This has me thinking about simple ways to pursue happiness and laughter in the TODAY of this day!
Here’s a list of ten ideas I jotted down! What would you add?
No. 1
Look at old pictures and recall the fun of yesterday! Laugh at the now-out-of-date styles and hairdos! Chuckle at Aunt Sadie’s glasses frames and Uncle Harold’s sweater vest. Giggle at the wrinkled-up-nose-ear-to-ear grin of baby Ernst and the clashing outfit pieces when a certain three-year-old Rosa dressed herself!!!
No. 2
This one takes a bit of planning. So worth it, though. Write down the funny witticisms falling from your kiddos lips when they are small. Pull them out in a few years and reread them. It provides many a good laugh. It creates a record of memories too. We remember some of the funny episodes in childhood years, but there are many we wouldn’t remember without a written record.
No. 3
Done flipping through photo albums? Pull out the old home videos. When our kids were young, they would rock with hysterical laughter when they would watch videos of themselves, EVEN the ones we’d just filmed. They found it hysterically funny to watch themselves. Once in an attempt to Skype-call my parents, my kiddos were so fascinated with watching themselves they couldn’t even pay attention to what we were trying to do!!!! 🤣
No. 4
Actively seek the humor. Some days things go so completely haywire and get so ridiculous that the only thing to do is stop and laugh at the absurdity.
No. 5
Watch Tim Hawkins. {Start with this one. I find it hysterical!!!} Or Mark Lowry. Or John Crist. Or another comedian who tickles your funnybone! If you like words, go watch John Branyan tell the tale of The Three Little Pigs!
No. 6
Make crazy sound effects with your kids. Try a peacock call. See who can do the best kookaburra impression. Make truck and tractor sounds, wherein the boys will most likely, definitely excel. Whistle. Roll your tongue on the top of your mouth. Crow like a rooster! Try your best impression of a musical instrument.
No. 7
Find funny church bulletin or newspaper headline bloopers. Unintended misuses and misspellings of the English language provide hysterical humor! One of my friends used to have a book containing these unintentional errors found on signs and in papers, and we would chortle with laughter over them. Here’s a few examples to get you going……..
“Let us join Thomas and Lisa in the celebration of their wedding and bring their happiness to a conclusion.”
“Diana and Don request your presents at their wedding.”
“The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment, and gracious hostility.”
“The choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir.“
No. 8
Send silly bitmojis or GIFs or funny memes to a friend! Crazy silliness adds a bit of lighthearted humor and fun to the day.
No. 9
Start a group text with friends and family members! Randomly share the ridiculous in the everyday. I have a group text with my mother, my sister, cousins, and aunt. We’ll text each other when we do the ridiculous of looking for your sunglasses and finding them on top of your head, or looking for your cell phone…WHERE can that thing be………and realizing you’re talking on it, or trying to turn on a night light hanging on the store rack to see how it looks when lit up and decide if you’d like to buy it, AND THEN realizing it’s not too likely to light up as it’s not plugged in!!! We have great fun sharing these incidents that happened to all of us occasionally and it provides great laughter for the day.
{Along the order of these Handy Helpful Housewife Hints} 😄
No. 10
If you are a selfie snapper, have fun with them! Take silly selfies, add filters to them or Photoshop elements and have fun watching the crazy. This works well with littles. It runs along the same line as cracking up at yourself in home videos!
Share your Let’s-Laugh-Go-Tos with me!!!! 🙂
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