Not Forsaken by Louie Giglio
This book takes a look at God as our Father. It digs into the love God has for us and His compassionate care for us, no matter what type of earthly father we may have had.
It shows His astounding, unending, surrounding, stunning love for US -His creation and chosen children.
It shares insight to the changes our Father can bring about in us, in our lives, and the power He can work for transformation and forgiveness. It shows His magnificent goodness and tender heart.
If audios are more your thing, or you’ve been wanting a new audiobook, Not Forsaken audio is read by Louie Giglio himself and he does a fantastic job.
I received a copy of Not Forsaken from B&H/Lifeway to read and review.

The Middle Matters by Lisa-Jo Baker
I was excited to jump on the launch team for this upcoming book!
This is a book of commemoration, of comradeship, of creating and cultivating our days into memories!
A wonderful compilation of essays about the various parts of our lives and how the mundane and the middle moments matter. These are the events and the ups and the downs and the joys and the sorrows and the celebrations and the stories that all summed up equal our lives. It’s a reminder not to miss the beautiful extraordinary in the midst of our ordinary. A shout-out to the importance of the middle instead of noting only beginnings and finishes.
Lisa-Jo Baker’s writing style pulls us as readers in with her, bringing laughter, tears and vigorous nods of me-too.
This book is available July 23rd. Lisa-Jo has a fantastic pre-order bundle if you’ve already pre-ordered or want to go ahead and get your copy ordered!
Go here to claim your pre-order bonuses and/or visit the book’s site!

A fellow Kansan, Barbara Seregei, sent me this sweet children’s book recently. She wrote it and self-published it. She’s a mother to two grown children and grandma to her first grandchild!
The Truth About Hazel’s Cookie is available on her website The Armor of God for Children. Go take a look and snag a copy for the kiddos in your life. It’s available in paperback or e-format! A terrific lesson on truth! The illustrations are cute, too.

In other news, my daughter and I attended Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A yesterday. Last year was the very first time we ever attended this event. We had a blast and wanted to go again this year! This was the 15th year Chick-fil-A has held this customer event where people dress like a cow and receive a free entree! 🙂 {sandwich or nuggets}

Here we are this year! 😂
Renae made “cow ears” for us out of felt last year and we saved them and used them again. I have a black-and-white striped dress I wore and Renae added spots to a black t-shirt and dressed up as a “cowgirl cow”! You’ll find pics of us from last year in this IG post! haha!
Harvest is finished!!! Cheers all around! We cut the last of the wheat on Monday and we are mighty grateful to have it finished…….one time more. 2019 is not going down in the record books as an especially wonderful one for farmers. Yet, such is life. Always ebb and flow, summer and winter, joy and tears.
My current project mostly involves a deeper dive into reading books. I have a few about becoming more like Jesus and living as an apprentice to Him that I’m slowly working through.
My other reading/learning project is the Enneagram. I’ve kept slowly learning more about it for over two years and it is very intriguing to me. While we all have the perchance towards self-absorption or “bootstrap-all-my-own-effort-self-help” I truly believe it is a big help in life and relationships to learn what makes us tick and why we do what we do.
Personalities fascinate me.
We are whole and complete in Jesus Christ alone, but we are varied and unique creations of His.
Learning about differences and similarities, preferences and motivations does help us offer space and grace to others and to ourselves. Understanding that the annoying habit in a family member isn’t an intentional thing and digging into why it is a part of them, shows us a little more of who they are and how we can love them better.
What’s a recent book you purchased AND read?!
I asked this question on my facebook page and it was so fun to read the responses! Go here to read it! Tell me YOUR answer in the comments here on my blog or on the fb post! Have a wonderful rest of the week!