Ok, gang!
{That was the first greeting that popped in my head as I set out to type this post. Then, it made me giggle! But I went with it, all the same. Maybe, because of the giggle. I find beginning and ending blogposts a bit challenging at times. Not always. But sometimes. I think sometimes I feel like I’m saying the same boring thing. Maybe, that’s ok, though. It’s not like I think every word I type is going to be riveting and beautiful and poetic. Ha! 😉 That might be nice and handy, but it isn’t my reality….ever! 🙂 }
Back to the beginning……….
Ok, gang! Today I jotted a few memories I love very much from my middle years. My years as a Kansas farmwife and mama to my dearie daughter and my super-fun son. This list could grow and grow, so I’m only listing a few of the daily moments I loved and the memories of outings we embarked on yearly. Turning forty this month, has definitely had me feeling all the feels and remembering so many fun memories…..
The everyday of Every Day really is such a gift!
Here’s this week’s list!
1. Popping into McDonald’s for happy meals. That’s all it took to make two little people’s day!
2. Playing Marco Polo with them in our pop-up pool. Fun memories! Fun splashing!
3. Watching Renae and Tucker play with their Little Tikes orange car and black pick-up truck. They put the miles on them and used them for everything from riding in them as they were designed for, to climbing on top of them to reach something or to climb up on top of the little playhouse or onto the swing set.
4. My son learning to use beginner scissors. He was absolutely thrilled to have scissors. He would cut with deliberate concentration and the whole time his tongue would stick out this side, then that side of his mouth! So funny!
5. Daytrips and outings! Trips to the waterparks, going down the waterslides, visits to the zoo, feeding the lemurs, ice skating and roller skating at the rinks, riding the little rides at the mall, riding carousels, riding the rides at the fair.
6. Dressing my kiddos in matching outfits. Yes! I’m the sappy, corny mama. I loved it! Christmas 2006, I found matching pajamas for them. They were little and excited too, and not choosy about what they wore. They embraced whatever mama was excited about! {and each other……..obviously….}
7. Playing our version of soccer with this great, big, lightweight green ball we had. It was fun to challenge my son and provided a good way for this mama to exercise!
8. The park. We had so much fun visiting the park. We’d meet friends. We’d go ourselves. I’d walk and they’d take their scooters and make up games I never quite understood, though I know one involved them staying ahead of me AT ALL TIMES.
9. Reading books aloud! Most days, we’d read before naptime and bedtime. As they grew, we’d sometimes read chapter books aloud as part of our school.
10. Piling into the tractor or combine with our farmer husband/daddy. I’d fix supper and off we’d go to the field. Then, all four of us would fit ourselves into the 4640 or the combine to ride a bit and spend some time with our guy. Once our babies grew into “children” we didn’t all squeeze in anymore, but rather, would ride one or two at a time, for the sake of comfort……..and the ability of the farmer to actually “drive” the tractor. 🙂
What everyday memories make you smile?

I love all the pics!! Good memories are such a blessing.