Good morning friends!
Today’s Ten on Tuesday prompt is 10 Movies You Have To Stop and Watch When You Come Across Them While Channel Surfing.
I don’t fall quite into this category. We watch movies, but we don’t have any TV channels or cable or Dish or DIRECTV or any other thing pertaining to flipping through channels! 🙂 🙂
Soooo, I don’t really flip through and stumble upon a favorite-of-all-favorites movie. BUT, I wanted to play along this week. THUS, {isnt’ thus a funny word? I somewhat thus think it is!} I am going to list ten of my best, best movies off the top-of-my-head, that would make me pause and watch if I flicked onto them.
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Linking up with Carole………
Here goes!
1. Mary Poppins. I’ve loved this movie forever it seems. THUS, it is quite a favorite and would bring me pause. Especially if they were singing Super-cali-fragi-listic-espi-ali-docious!
2. It’s A Wonderful Life. Because it’s wonderful!!!
3. Hatari. This movie is grand. It makes me laugh. Pockets is the best.
4. Sound of Music. Of course. It’s classic.
5. Fiddler on the Roof. I’d never seen this movie, until last year. I love it.
6. Pride and Prejudice. The assortment of characters. Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth. Nuff said.
7. War Room. LOVE this movie! Miss Clara! I want to be you when I grow up.
8. Despicable Me 2. I’m a kid at heart. I love Gru and Lucy in this movie. I love Agnes’ toast at the end.
9. Tangled. I’m a Disney fan. And “Like all you lovely folks I have a dream!”
10. Cars. Lightning makes me smile. Mater makes me laugh. And there’s just such a good feeling about doing the right thing for someone you care about.
Can I add a couple of bonuses??? Sure, I can. It is my blogpost! 🙂
THUS, I will.
11. Ramona and Beezus. I love how fun the characters are in this movie and how much Ramona and Beezus’ dad loves his girls and is concerned about caring for his family. This is one movie I like better than the book. Ramona annoyed me sometimes in the books, but in the movie her character casts her as caring bunches and bunches about her family and falling into mistakes by accident instead of purposefully-doing-annoying-things.
12. The Aristocats. And The Jungle Book. And Robin Hood.
Ok. Ok. No more.
Unless I were to mention The Incredibles or Princess Diaries.
But I won’t. 😉
Do you have an ALL-TIME, ALL-STAR, ATTENTION-GRABBING favorite movie??!!
Want some more tens? I have a list of Ten Books That Make Me Want To Drop Everything and Read right over here!