What is a bookshelf other than a treasure chest for a curious mind? ~ unknown
Let’s make a list of books!
Here are ten of my very favorites that I read last year.
{And yes, technically, there really are more than ten on the list.}
They are sort of in-no-particular-order!
The first few are my very favorites and then they are just listed! 🙂
You’ll find them scattered back in Yarn Along posts from the year.
1. Fervent by Priscilla Shirer
Fervent touched a deep chord with me. I’d checked it out from our library. After I closed the back cover when I was finished reading it, I went and ordered my own copy and sent copies to a few friends who I knew would love it too.
2. Flash by Rachel Anne Ridge
I love the gentle words Rachel shares and the humor and lessons you can learn from Flash, the Donkey.
3. The Life-Giving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson
This book embodies home and creating home and I loved it so very much! It put into words many of my own feelings and/or ideals for cozy home.
4. Giddy Up Eunice by Sophie Hudson
Boomama makes me laugh. And I deeply appreciate laughter and any books or movies that can make me laugh and resonate too. Giddy Up Eunice did this well. I want laughter and joy and happiness in my life, but I long deeply for faith that lives and grows in me.
5. If by Mark Batterson
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
That sums up much of the message of this book. It focuses on Romans 8 and the message in it. It touched me a LOT. A lot more than I was expecting it to. I didn’t know much about the book when I picked it up and I soon found myself very grateful for my time in the pages.
6. Start by Jon Acuff
Jon Acuff is another author that makes me laugh. He does humor well. Yet, he also inspires and encourages you to get out there and live and try and dream…and get up again and again if you have to.
7. A Portrait of Emily Price by Katherine Reay
Oh, I loved this book! It’s a novel, but it poured grace into broken people and broken places. And it made me hungry for pizza!!!!
8. Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch
This book made me cry. Happy and sad tears. I’m so inspired by stories like Kristen’s and the impact her organization, Mercy House is making for mothers and their babies.
9. The Happiness Dare by Jennifer Dukes Lee
This book made me happy! Of course! The cover alone made me happy. Somewhere along the way in some circles, joy was tagged holy and happy not so much. The longer I thought about this, the more it rather didn’t feel right to me. So, picking up Jennifer’s book and reading about happiness refreshed me. Very much.
10. The Walk Series by Richard Paul Evans
These novels were so fun to read. I loved the quotes at the beginning of each chapter. I loved the myriad of places visited and the variety of characters and people. Not everything is happy, by any means, but it catches real life.
My list aren’t all pictured because I don’t own them all or have them available to participate in a photo shoot!
Also worth very honorable mentioning is Parenting by Paul David Tripp. Although, I don’t really appreciate its propensity for making me feel like a very inadequate parent and to quite glaringly reveal my own faults and failings and selfishness and striving-for-my-own-way. Other than that, it’s a totally wonderful read! 😉
I’d love to hear your favorites!

I always enjoy checking out what’s on the bookshelves, or lists, of others. Thanks for sharing yours. Stopping by from Holley’s.
I always enjoy it, too and have found many books to add to my want-to-read list by perusing other blogger’s lists! 🙂
I always enjoy reading book recommendations. Thank you! I really liked the Life Giving Home too. You have me wanting to read If and curious about Flash. All the Pretty Things topped my list this year and I loved Bread and Wine. I also read a Sophie Hudson book that made me laugh a lot. I’ll have to check the one you reccomend here. Thank you for the suggestions!
I love Bread and Wine too. I didn’t read it in 2016, but I’ve loved it ever since I read it.. I’ve seen All the Pretty Things and I think it’s on my want-to-read list. Now, maybe I’ll have to bump it up to the top! 🙂
Yes, I so enjoyed The Life-Giving Home. And I totally recommend If and Flash. I like to check our library for titles or request them. Our library is awesome at getting books we request. I so appreciate it.
And Sophie Hudson! When you read one of her books, you just want to go drink sweet tea and chat with her.
I have Fervent, but have not read it yet. One of the books I read in 2016 was One More Step by Rachel “Wojo” Wojnarowski. Really enjoyed it. (Visiting from Coffee for Your Heart) Blessings!
I don’t know if I’ve seen this title, but I’m familiar with the author’s name. So many good books out there! My want-to-read list keeps getting longer! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your list. I enjoyed reading Fervent and The Happiness Dare in 2016 too, but you also introduced me to some others I hadn’t heard of before. One of my other favourite books in 2016 was Anything by Jennie Allen.
Thanks for sharing! I love getting reading ideas from other reader’s favorites. 🙂
Hello, glad to find your blog at #coffeeforyourheart. I’ve read only one of the books on your list (The Life-Giving Home) and it was beautiful. You list several more I’m interested in reading. Good to meet you!
I’m so glad you stopped by! The Life-Giving Home was beautiful!