It was hot this summer.
Over a hundred hot most of the summer. It was also dry. Not much rain at all. One really great thing about hot and dry was it dried laundry that was hung outside and it didn’t usually take too long. That was nice. Something else I was and have been hugely thankful for was our lack of lots of windy days, because I don’t like hanging out laundry on windy days. We had wind. We had some pretty fierce windstorms in the spring and then one in late summer. We just didn’t have day in and day out of gusty wind. And that definitely made me glad.
Another good thing about over a hundred degree days is swimming and playing in the water. Water in abundance is such a blessing that when I contemplate it the thought is staggering. When I was draining our pop-up pool, I thought about all the people who live in countries that do not have a ready supply of fresh drinking water. No, our pop-up pool isn’t the inground pool I would love to have, but just the fact that we have plenty of fresh water, humbles me. We watered our yard and our sweet corn, we filled bowls of water for our pets, we played in the water, we wash lots of clothes with water, we shower every day, sometimes we fill up cups of water and take a drink and then dump the rest…
Water. I’m thankful. I’m also a little sad. Yes, it has been a hot summer. But, I’m not quite ready for this to end. This playing in the water that we are so abundantly blessed with.
I miss summer already.
In the next to last picture I thought I’d traveled back in time. That young girl looks like a young girl that swam in a pool we used to have.