I thoroughly enjoyed my wedding day.
Every bit of it.
It was one of those days when you live and love and rejoice in every moment as it happens.
I have a lot of great times that I look back on with fondness. Days that I did enjoy. They were memorable. They were fun. Yet, the day of my wedding is simply a highlight reel.
I loved it.
It was one of those times when I just rejoiced and reveled in every minute.
Even when our faces ached from all the smiling. Smiling for pictures and smiling back in greeting to all the guests.
Laughing when we found out that a cardtable had collapsed and spilled a jug of punch. Didn’t even know that was happening till later! Laughing when we found out the candles in the centerpiece on our table had never been blown out and they kept steadily burning down until they caught the silk flowers on fire and someone calmly poured punch on it to put it out. {Thankfully not all the punch had been spilled or drunk.} Laughing at the kiss-right-on-the-mouth that one of MY great-aunts gave Matthew. {Not his fondest memory. 🙂 } In her defense, their family was very much accustomed to greeting all family members with a kiss. I guess he was welcomed to the family!
I am so thankful for that day, for this husband of mine, and for my God who knows every moment of my life before it even plays out.
Simply Thankful
Thankful for every fun time, for every laugh, for every good moment, for every time of working-through-the-frowning-fiercely and coming out on the other side, for understanding grace better, for every memory, for every private joke, for all the better times, for learning servanthood, for walking side by side, for going through sickness together, for LIFE TOGETHER!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
At fifteen years of marriage, I mused about it here….
And at sixteen years, I laughed again, and wrote again….
And I’ve been remembering again this year and singing songs from our wedding and thinking about the oft read advice I’ve seen in various marriage books or blog posts that recommend “REMEMBERING”. And I so agree!
Remember the fun and the good times and the care-free. Yet, look forward to the days and years ahead and more memories to be made! Even remember the bad days and tough times, though they aren’t so fun, because they make me count my blessings and learn, {maybe,} from past mistakes and tighten my hold on each treasured time.
Well, there ain’t no place that I’d rather be…….
Next to you, sittin’, Next to me!
We flipped through our wedding pictures and honeymoon trip and I took pictures with my digital camera of our not-so-digital photos of our wedding.
I thought about all the pictures I’d have if our wedding was photographed now. Of the close-up details I’d have of my hair and dress and the flowers in my hair and the wheat bouquets on our trellis and “the detailing on the ties on the bow on the back of my dress” { that sentence is rather like, “There’s a frog on the log in the hole on the bottom of the lake”}
I’m glad for every photo we have, but I wish they were taken today! 🙂 We do not have very many at all of just my man and I and some of them we do have turned out rather dark.
My wedding cake.
It may be dated, but I don’t care.
I still love it!!
This little girl ~ my cousin’s daughter. I baby-sat for her and was a mother’s helper at their house.
She has her own baby now!
Ready to leave! This is actually one of my very favorite photos of us. For one thing my young farmer and brand-new husband just looks more like himself in these clothes than he did in a tuxedo! But, he never complained once {at least to me} about his clothes. Nor did his best friend. {I wouldn’t be surprised if they said a few things amongst themselves!!!} {His friend was definitely a true friend, because TUXEDO, SHINY SHOES, and STANDING UP IN FRONT OF A BUNCH OF PEOPLE, would not have been his cup of tea.}
It was a day of happiness(for me the tears came later! I was determined to smile all day and with God’s Grace, I did.) Pictures today would give so much more detail but still glad for what we have. And these pictures are full of memories of the photographer, too. Praising Jesus for the godly marriage you two have.
Loved looking through your pics and reading your memories. Happy 18 years – and many many more!
Thank you! I always like to remember, but have really enjoyed looking back and reflecting on memories this year.