We went to sleep last night to the sound of rain!
A thunderstorm moved in last evening and the rain is still hanging around this morning. I don’t know how much rain we’ve gotten so far, but after the hot and dry summer we had last year, the rain sounds so good. We haven’t had any snow this winter. I don’t really mind the no snow thing. Snow is really pretty when it is fresh and the kiddos always have fun tramping in the snow and playing in it. Once it starts melting though, I’m ready for it to go. We have had some other rain this winter and we are glad.
My week has been filled with paint. Pretty much what I’ve been doing every day. It is exciting to see fresh painted walls. I love fresh paint. It brightens everything and makes it smell fresh. My arm and hand are kind of tired of painting, but seeing how fresh the rooms are that are finished , keeps me inspired to keep on painting! My husband and brother have helped a lot too. There wouldn’t be nearly as many walls and ceilings finished if it weren’t for them!
I have been hugely thankful for the kindness of others this week! On Wednesday morning, one of our neighbors called and then delivered a casserole and bread for lunch. So thoughtful and so helpful for me! Plus delicious! It was a burrito casserole and yummy french bread. It’s so fun to eat a meal that I didn’t have to cook. I was just deciding what I had, that could be quickly fixed for lunch on Wednesday, when my neighbor called. I am hugely thankful for the little ways that God blesses through others. I can also feel very guilty when I think of the times that I thought about doing something for someone else, but it didn’t go any farther.
Then to make the day even better and even more blessed, one of my friends called in the afternoon to say she was bringing us supper. She is so super good at doing things like that! She brushed it off as no big deal. She was only making supper for her own family and just doubled it to bring to us too. NO BIG DEAL! Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, just double your supper and take care of your baby and 2 year old. I am overwhelmed with the kindness of others. I didn’t have to cook lunch or supper. I was beyond excited. I didn’t have to cook yesterday, either. We are enjoying leftovers!! My friend brought us cheesy spaghetti, breadsticks and brownies. Double yum! We totally licked the breadsticks up in record speed.
This morning I was annoyed with myself to find the cheese that was supposed to go on top of the burrito casserole. It was delicious without, so I guess it didn’t matter. I feel like I am totally disorganized at this particular point in time. I’m blaming it on the paint.
And I believe I will keep right on with the painting. This ole house just isn’t getting any less old. With all the wonderful rain from last night and continuing into this morning, we had a place in the living room ceiling that developed a drip. Our roof is not very good at all. But it is a roof. More than many people have.
I am also excited that I have an appointment for a massage scheduled for this afternoon. I scheduled it in December and the timing couldn’t be better. Definitely another blessing. My arm and hand will appreciate it so, so much. A paint roller and paintbrush just gets to them. And my shoulders.
This has been my week. Full of paint and kindness and now, rain. I’ve contemplated a lot the last couple days about how much it meant to me to have someone bring us a meal. It means a lot because-1. making food is work and even something simple takes time, 2. it’s nice to know someone cares, 3.it seems like our January has had its bumps-things that most people don’t even know we’re dealing with. It made me really think about the fact that it’s no different for other people. Everyone has things to deal with or struggles they’re going through that we don’t see. Sometimes it’s just lots of little things that add up to a lot. So, I never know how much a simple gesture of caring extended to someone else might mean to them. Life is full of pain and stress and simple acts of kindness aren’t really simple. They’re huge! I’ve read a couple blogs recently about moms that are facing some huge obstacles. I recently chatted with a friend who was having a struggle. Most people wouldn’t even know it or think she would be.
I’m glad to be reminded that everyone needs encouragement and caring and prayers. I’m glad that I could be reminded of this through acts of kindness bestowed on me. I’m glad that I can not only appreciate the gifts given to me, but that I can grasp a bigger lesson. I can’t be reminded too often to reach out to others. And to remember we all face discouragement and we all need a friend.
I am thankful to have my soul refreshed through the feeling of Jesus touching me through other people that He created and put into my sphere in life.
Okay, this post makes me feel like I really need to make a meal for someone! I have several people in mind, but will I actually go through with it? I hope so.
I certainly didn’t intend to make anyone feel like they had to fix food! Although if you lived close to me and wanted to bring me lunch right now, I wouldn’t turn it down! 😉
I’m gearing up to do some painting in our house!
Have you come across any wallpaper in the house you’re remodeling? I can’t decide if I should paint over ours or remove it.
I’m so glad that you were blessed by your neighbors!
I don’t have wallpaper to deal with in the house we’re working on. The house we’re living in had old wallpaper, even on some of the ceilings. I took some of it off and it was really hard to get off. I ended up painting over some of it and it worked. I think I had to use Kilz on some of it so it wouldn’t show through. Kilz is great stuff!
So glad you have friends to help you out since I’m so far away. so wish I could be there helping you. Cannot wait to bring my sewing machine out there and slip cover your couches!
thanks for the reminder that it’s all about the little things sometimes. Fixing food for someone else really isn’t such a big deal if I just get the ingredients on hand and DO IT! And it can be so rewarding. Especially if I make double and feed my own family a decent meal too! I’ve been a little lacking in that area this year:(
Can’t wait to see some more pictures!
Happy Painting and Happy Massage!
You know what my biggest hang-up with fixing a meal for someone is? Delivering it to them. Sounds silly, but it’s just the getting it there. Not so hard when it’s a good friend and harder when it’s someone I don’t know as well. I’m too introverted..
So wish I could come help you paint……I really like to paint:) I have some painting that I am getting ready to do too. The girls asked for their room to be redone for their christmas……so that is my project right now. I told them it would have to be after christmas before i got it done…..well they have informed me that christmas is over and it is NOW february!! Then we did a little renovating before Tanner was born and I have some touch up areas to do plus another room……its just finding the time……i kind of forgot how much time a baby takes when you want to get some things done:)
I would love to have you help me paint! 🙂
Sounds fun to re-do the girls’ room. It’s always fun to have something repainted and “new”. and yes, babies do take time!
Know what you mean about taking the food. Why is that so hard? To my shame there have been times when the food is fixed but it never got there. I need to work on that.