Back in the winter, I dug around for the leftover paint I knew I had and moved a few things out into the room-at-the-top-of-the-stairs and rounded up paintbrushes, dropcloths {a.k.a. as old shower curtains and plastic}, paint rollers, and such, and commenced to paint my guest room.
We didn’t paint it before we moved in because we had quite a bit of painting to do otherwise. Since then, there have been times I wished we would’ve just gone ahead and painted it while we were in the painting mode. But we didn’t and I knew it really wouldn’t be that hard to paint the room if I just decided to dig in and do it.
So, that’s what I did. And I dearly love it all painted up! It is much brighter and I enjoyed making a prettier space. I had just used pieces I had and while it was fine and it was stuff I genuinely like, it didn’t really go together and wasn’t really what I envisioned. I also knew it didn’t matter, and over time, I would put together a guest room that made me smile. The blinds are from a room in our old house. They worked well enough and still do, although I think I would eventually like to replace them. I was very glad to have several blinds from our old house that fit windows at this house.
Enter in some paint, some rearranging, a comforter, and a husband to hang a mirror and you have a very good start on a guest room makeover!
One thing I’ve decided about my decor style…it’s always a little, well, odd. But I like it. After seventeen years and three houses and a lot of years in a pretty old, old house, and putting together this and that and tweaking this bit of hodge-podge and moving that piece of furniture to hide the big crack in the wall, I’ve learned to just decorate with what I love and what makes me smile. Since we’ve moved, I’ve been glad to take my time and work towards adding things that I truly love to our home. I’ve done some rearranging and talked about the laundry room in this post.
No revelation, but it’s a great rule for every homemaker. It’s your home. Style it to make you smile! Hey, that would be a good ad line! Heehee!
Anyway, my decor style can be a bit odd and I don’t think it really fits into any category, all neat and tidy. But I’ve often felt like I never quite fit in anywhere either. All neat and tidy, ya know?! Sometimes it bothers me, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m striving for the more and more and more it doesn’t. Because Jesus is where fulfillment and fitting in is at. But I forget that. And then I remember.
A puzzle piece only fits in the puzzle it belongs in. If it is missing, the picture in the puzzle can’t be finished. If it ends up in the wrong box, it won’t fit into that puzzle, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit in anywhere or that it isn’t needed anywhere.
Isn’t fitting in relevant anyway? Because where are you fitting in at? Is it with an artsy group or a preppy group? Is it with a chess team or a soccer team? Is it with the seeking or the self-satisfied? Is it with the Pharisees or the common? And who decides the classifications and characteristics required?
And who starts a blog post about her guest room and decor style and ends up digressing?
But not completely digressing, because really she’s trying to say what she said above.
Love your home. Like your style. May it make you smile.
Whether it’s totally Victorian, whether it’s Western, whether it’s Vintage or whether it leans toward Whimsy, embrace your style and home. Because home is a very special place.
I searched around for pictures on my blog of my guest room before I painted and I didn’t come up with any. There is this post with pictures from when we first moved in, but none of the guest room because we didn’t have a bed for it yet. Here are a few of my before pics of prepping to paint and then photos of the room put back together!
Some amenities~extra blanket, night light, Kleenex~because guests might need them!
An alarm clock and lamp ~ two more amenities that I personally believe are great for guest rooms!

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