Pineapple and Posies!
My sister cut some sunflowers and grasses growing along the road and styled a pretty bouquet.
Sweet niece faces!
Silly son smiling!
A bit more harvest ~ here a little ~ there a little ~ it has been so struuuuuuung out…
Campfire time! And smores! We had a beautiful Tuesday evening and Travis built a fire and the kiddos drug out chairs and we found some hot dogs and marshmallows and got watermelon out of the fridge and carried it all outside. It was not windy!! Triple hooray! I love evenings like that. It was so pleasant!
I was headed up the walk to the back door and was stopped by my son and middle niece with outstretched arms requesting the PASSWORD before I could continue. After some silly guesses on my part and some hints from them, I came up with the password and was able to continue. My youngest niece stopped me too, and asked for a password!
“Pretty Pink Ponies,” I guessed.
“Close enough!” she replied with a giggle, and let me by.
I got a very good chuckle out of it!
It’s much easier to get by her when a password is required, because anything you guess is, “Close enough!”
Baby photo of my sister! I didn’t get to be in Ohio for her birthday party. My niece had fixed up a bunch of old pictures for my sister’s birthday. I asked her to bring some of them along when they came to visit. We put them out on the coffee table and had a little birthday celebration while they were here. It was a terrible amount of fun to look through all the old photos. Renae really enjoyed them. I loved all the memories they brought back.
Set up for party!
Watermelon~it just says summer!
Stripes and smiles!
Fun and friends!
Time spent in good company is best of times.
Glasses that came in one of the gift bags! 😉 {And I love little sister’s sparkling eyes in the corner of this photo!}
Some of the creations in the mud bank down by the creek! The kiddos had so much fun! And their creations were so much fun too!
The week went by in a whirl!
Wheat harvest, pork loin by Chef Travis, plumbing problems in our upstairs bathroom and a “Do Not Use” sign installed, the basement bathroom becoming busier, Taco Delite, second hand shops and gift shops, 1 1/2 of rain on Wed night, Miss B. staying all night with our cousin’s daughter and the report that they laughed so hard they fell on the floor, Salt Museum and Cosmosphere on Thursday, good-byes on Friday, Sweet Corn shared with us from friends~super yummy~, cleanup and cleaning job, Lilla Rose event on Saturday, my dear man’s birthday, 3i Show, collection of 26 pens gathered by one certain son at the 3i show, packing Tucker up to head off for Bible Camp with a friend, we girls taking our handsome husband and dearie daddy out for brunch for his birthday, lots of photos I would’ve liked to snap,
The week went by!