We drink a lot of iced tea around here.
When I was growing up, I didn’t like tea. My parents weren’t really tea drinkers and we never had it at our house. If we went somewhere and were offered our choice of iced tea or water, I always took water. And the one or two times, the hostess served everyone iced tea, without even asking, I was quite distraught.
Then I came to Kansas. I soon observed that it seemed like everyone in Kansas drank iced tea. I mean, everyone! 😉
I considered iced tea a Kansas thing. Now, I think that it is partly a farmer thing, maybe??? Thinking back, I remember going to my uncle and aunt’s house. He was a farmer and they often had iced tea. He liked to mix lemonade and iced tea together. That didn’t go over with me either! I liked lemonade, but not tea. Why would you ruin lemondae?! Now, I think it’s tasty, on occasion. I also learned, maybe last year sometime???, that half lemonade and half tea is called an Arnold Palmer. A bit of trivia I’d never heard before! But I am far from being up on all trivia and sports figures and famous people and news, old or new! I do enjoy trivia. I do like some sports. All the drama of local news, I’m not all that interested in. I have my interests and authors and Bible studies and books and movies that I like and I’m good with that stuff most of the time! 🙂
But, we were talking about iced tea. Somewhere along the line, and greatly influenced by marrying a Kansas guy who loves iced tea, I learned to make tea. I also learned to like it! I even drink hot tea now and then. My farmer man pretty much just sticks with his iced tea.
Another bit of trivia~ I realized a few years ago that sweet tea {I thought we liked it sweet, but I’m talking really sweet tea!} is very much a southern thing. I’m intrigued at the customs and likes of cultures and areas.
Here is my very favorite, bestest, iced tea recipe! {I keep trying to type tae instead of tea.}
I don’t make tea like this all the time, but when it gets to sounding really yummy or it’s really, really, really hot or when I’m fixing a special lunch for company, or for us, I fix this.
- 6 cups water
- 1 cup sugar
- 3 family sized teabags {Luzianne is my favorite}
- 3 Constant Comment teabags
- Ice
Heat water and teabags for 5 minutes in the microwave.
Let tea steep for 10-15 minutes. {Or until you remember to take them out, if you're anything like me.} {A timer is a useful tool.}
Add sugar to hot tea. Stir until dissolved.
Fill a 1 gallon pitcher 3/4 full of ice.
Pour tea syrup over ice.
{If pitcher isn't quite full, add a little water.}
Sip and savor!
https://adelightfulglow.com/my-very-favorite-iced-tea-recipe/Luzianne is my fave, but not what I always have! {Notice photo!}

I’ve learned to like iced tea too – I prefer mine WITH lemonade though! And last summer I added some basil leaves to my glass – oh yummy yummy!