Approximately a week ago, we were on our way home. It was dark and it was combination snowing/icing. And blowing. Weather that we haven’t had a lot of this winter. {Insert clapping, here.}
Unfortunately as we were heading home, there was a little buck deer that was also headed home somewhere. And unfortunately he didn’t use very good judgement. He decided to leap right in front of our Suburban on his way to wherever he was going. So consequently and unfortunately, he did not make it to wherever he was heading and he also tore up the front of my Suburban.
I am rather sad about the front of my Suburban. I like my Suburban and I really wasn’t wanting it to be needing fixed right now. Boo-hoo. But on the bright side-and there is always is a bright side, even though sometimes you have to look harder for it-at least it wasn’t any worse. At least we were all fine and none the worse for the incident. At least my Suburban was still drivable. I was thankful I was with my husband and he happened to be driving, because he is a much, much better driver than I am and he handles situations much, much better than I do. I tend to freak out and get upset. I’ll blame that on being a girl.
Pictures of my poor Suburban…
I don’t have any pictures of the poor, little buck. My daughter felt sorry for him. I’m not sure if I did or not. One of my first comments to my husband after the incident was that I thought they should lengthen deer season. I’m thinking that is a good indicator that I didn’t feel too sorry for the poor, little buck.
My Suburban is now sitting in my dear husband’s shop with the front of it taken apart to be worked on. He was really glad to have another project to work on. I’m glad for him too, to have something else to work on for me, since he hasn’t been working on a house for me this winter or anything like that. And since he doesn’t have a combine that needs work and tractors he likes to service in the winter and a Peterbilt waiting for its turn and…. Again looking on the bright side he will not have to worry about being bored!
At least your husband is able to fix it himself. My poor husband has zero skills when it comes to the car so something like this would require an expensive visit to the shop!
So glad it is only the Suburban that needs fixed! And bless your dear husband for taking the time to fix it. I like the new look of your blog.
So glad Matthew will not be bored. I wouldn’t want him to have too much time to sit aroung feeling left out because no one here sent him a valentine!
And at least you know when he is done with it it will look as good as new. He’s one of the best when it comes to fixing stuff up.
Another bright side- if you managed to wrestle the antlers off that deer, you’ll have Jill’s birthday gift!
I, unfortunately, did not have my hunting knife in my purse. What a bummer!
Ouch. Sorry to see that.
There isn’t a week that doesn’t go by where I don’t have deer crossing the road in front of me. It makes me nervous on some of these roads around dusk and after dark. I’m counting my blessings, because I haven’t hit one yet. Ooops… I bet I just jinxed myself!