I was trying to catch up on backing up my pictures and emptying my SD card. Somehow I managed to delete a folder of pictures on the card before I had copied them. I have no idea how it happened. I don’t know that I’d even worked in that folder and when I went to it, it was empty. It makes no sense and has me totally confused. Not that that is saying much because it doesn’t necessarily take a lot to confuse me.
Most of them aren’t a big deal, but there were some I wanted and some I was planning to dump into this post today. Ah well!
Nieces with birthdays this month!
And it is Shoebox Packing Month, too!! This week is collection week for the shoeboxes.
I prepped and staged and cleaned our bedroom all up to click a photo for an Instagram party sharing gratitude for restful spaces.
This was on Thursday. I felt pretty good and it felt good to dig in and clean house. Matthew and Tucker had taken the day to attend the Farm Show in the city. After I finished our room, I dug in and shined my kitchen and mopped the floor which had been begging for a mop to come and shine it!
I had an impromptu tea and muffins party!
These kind of things are good motivation to straighten and shine and pull out pretty details!
This little miss was my muffin maker helper!
Isn’t she a doll? Her mama always has her dressed so pretty.
The afterward and the everyday messes that catch my eye and are pretty framed in a picture~
Warm candlelight! I love it everytime! Especially now that the evenings come early and dark gathers in quickly.
We spent the weekend in eastern Kansas with J&E and their little girls. So much fun to see them again!
I don’t know if it’s safe to let me out of the house. Or let me in the house for that matter. {Refer to mention of disappearing pictures in first paragraph above.} First of all I forgot to pack the tank I wanted to wear under my sweater on Sunday. Fortunately, I stuck another shirt in my bag and I could improvise and it worked ok with the sweater. My sweater has three buttons at the top and then is an open swing away, so not having a shirt or tank under it, is absolutely not an option. Then at church my son asked for a Kleenex. I pulled my pack out of my bag and went to pass them behind Matthew over to Tucker. I’m not really sure what happened. I think my hand caught on Matthew’s shoulder. In any case, the package of Kleenex flew out of my grasp and up in the air and into the lap of the man behind us. It actually bounced off of his knee and did a little twist and turn in the air before landing on the floor. It, of course, startled him and made him jump. He then calmly handed the package back to us while I apologized. I was overcome by an attack of the giggles and wanted to dissolve with laughter. There were a few friends who came to mind and I knew it was a good thing that they were not sitting beside me. We would have had to exit the meeting if they had been there.
My son used a Kleenex and passed them back to me with utmost care, which also struck me funny.
My daughter didn’t see the whole thing happen, which was probably a good thing. She and I howled over it later when we were safely in the Suburban. I told her the only thing that would have made it better was if it would have hit him in the head. {Thankfully, Kleenex are soft.} She expounded on it and added that it would have been too much if all the Kleenex would have come out of the package and fluttered up in the air. Oh my goodness. Too much.
I will hit publish for now and come back later to add a couple pictures of our far-away baby nieces! It was so fun to squeeze them again.
UPDATE: Here they are!
We woke up to wind and wet outside this morning. It sounds cold and I am beyond thankful to listen to the cozy furnace kick on and send heat spiraling through the vents and house. We’ve finally turned it on.
Like so much of the rest of the world, we have thought much about Paris and people mourning the evil and senseless loss of loved ones.
Psalm 16:5
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
Exodus 4:11
The Lord said to him, Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord?

I hate when I accidentally delete something….however it’s rare. I have a harddrive back up every monday from the computer. And I try try try real hard to make sure I am doing what I want to do.
But then things happen….
It is definitely a good thing to pay attention to what you are doing! 🙂 Use me for an example. I really am just confused at how the pictures disappeared. Oh well! I take too many pictures anyway and they weren’t vacation pictures or anything really extraordinary. It could’ve been a much bigger loss!
Oh my! How hilarious! It sounds like something that would happen to a certain friend of ours! And good thing she wasn’t there to see it happen or the giggles would have never stopped! Sure wonder who the startled man was and what he had to say on his way home.???
Yes, it is! I had enough trouble not dissolving into laughter, by myself!!
Matthew asked him afterward if he’d ever had Kleenex thrown at him during church. LOL!!!