Oreo Ice Cream
Starfish decor in Renae’s room
Gray days and flickering candle
fun to shoot pretty pictures
cultivating beauty
Renae working on summer banner
Spraying time
Ring braided into hair
Beauty in everyday kitchen prep
Rhubarb Pie ~one of my man’s faves
Garden hose
Forecasting rain? Didn’t think so. Boots on porch. Thunderstorm. Soaked and well washed boots.
Sweet corn from our neighbor’s.
Boot outline left from muddy boots.
Cooper naps.
Where are the weeks going?
Time at home. Hooray!
Cooler temps.
Setting off fireworks. Friend overnight.
Freezer Defrost.
Appointments and phone calls and bookwork.
Renae goes to a concert with a friend at a local county fair.
Friends stopping by. Lovely, lovely chat.
Sound of Music and the Lego Movie.
Lilla Rose Summer Vendor Event.
Fun finds at the Summer Vendor Event.
We eat a delicious supper at our friends’ house. Black peppercorn chicken and spectacular potatoes. Mmmmm.
Fun with stickers. {The papery, fun, stick-on-letters kind}
Some swimming.
Pulling stickers {the nasty, ouchy, horrible growing ones}. Spraying for bugs.
We celebrate Matthew’s birthday!
Too much work on irrigation systems.
Working ground.
Trying new photo techniques.
Renae back to her mother’s helper job for the first in several weeks.
Tucker helps dad a lot.
Prayers for friends.
I shopped. And shopped. and looked and test drove and browsed and compared and test drove and debated and considered and shopped and test drove and read Consumer’s Report and took polls and researched and test drove some more to find the perfect gift for my husband.
Um. Not really. 😉
He shopped. Easy-peasy for me. All I did was tag his combination anniversary/father’sday/bdaygift! And enjoy the grin on his face. I like to see him smile.
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