I waded out into the surf and I gazed across the rolling waves. The salt air whispered softly and the waves rolled and broke, soaking into the shore, pulled swiftly back to be replaced by the next one rolling in.
I bent to swish my fingers through the foam and watch the water lap and churn, always moving.
Fierce and strong, yet so awe-inspiring and peaceful.
Mind boggling.
My soul soaks it in.
Sun and warmth and water and sand and Who could’ve ever designed such a plan, Only One could, the One called by I AM.
My soul soaks it in and my spirit soars and this familiar old hymn wells up from inside and I sing it there on the beach in the ocean spray.
Blessed be Thy name forever,
Thou of life, the guard and giver,
Thou canst guard the creature sleeping,
Heal the heart long broke from weeping.
God of stillness and of motion,
Of the desert and the ocean,
Of the mountain, rock and river,
Blessed be Thy name forever!
And truly. Truly. Blessed be Thy name forever! Healing has been much on my mind for many months and the words resonate from my heart as I stand in the motion of the ocean.
My God. My God of stillness and of motion.
He who Heals.
He who sees.
He who Hears.
He who provides.
I’ve felt it all. I believe Him.
Blessed be His name forever!

Beautiful. 🙂 All glory be to Him.