Did you have a good week last week? I certainly hope so.
I noticed these little pans in my cupboard a few weeks ago. They’d been tucked away and I’d forgotten them. We had three bananas that were getting too dark and overripe, so I flipped through my cookbooks and found my Banana Bread recipe and whipped up a batch.
I thought about the mini cake pans, so I pulled them out and put part of the batter into them. I could own a whole cupboard of miniature baking pans. But I wouldn’t use them that often and they’d take up space. They are so fun, though!
Two of the cakes popped out of the pans efficiently and elegantly. One somewhat and one not-really-at-all.
A friend gifted me with this bundle of thorn twigs for Easter. They make a delightful decor piece!
It was a going-to-pieces week.
The banana cake came out in pieces and then….
this is what I was met with one afternoon when I opened the washer.
Believe me, it is a surprise to open the washer and find this, when you’re expecting to pull out a freshly laundered blanket. We had a couple of Rubbermaid tubs with some old blankets over in the block building at our farm. I’d forgotten they were there and my husband brought them over for me to go through. This one was a Vellux blanket, if you’re familiar with that kind. We had had it for a long time and those kind do go to pieces after a while. It looked fine, though, when I stuffed it into the washer to freshen it up.
It didn’t look so fine after a good washing. However, it did provide me with a surprise and then a good laugh!
Plus, it’s always fun to scrape pieces out of the washer and into a trashbag.
At least the banana bread/cake pieces were edible!
#dailydetails…….. Casserole prep~
Lemon Cake. Another flop of the week. This one not so much in pieces.
I decided to change the name to Sunken Lemon Cake.
It looks like a pond in the middle. All that glaze might be tasty! It would’ve made a good cake to add decoration as if it were a fishing pond or swimming pool. Because, LAKE in the middle!
Some farmwork details ~ work on a spreader and working on sideboards for it.
Work on grainbins and moving tanks.
Lovely gift items from a friend and neighbor! I love pretty napkins and love having them around to pull out for anything from a simple everyday-turned-a-bit-special to planned-for-company. I think the specialty cardstock looks like all kinds of fun too! Paper stuff is one of my “things”.
Island full of Legos! This happens now and then.
If you are familiar with Maxwell Smart from Get Smart, well this is his set-up, but in Legos!! The above scene is Control.
Max in his car!
Do you spy the helpers-at-the-farm returning home?
Two of my favorite girls……..in braids!
More miniature. I guess I get in a groove and it gets my mind moving in that direction. I pulled out my mini loaf pans for some of the sourdough bread.
Baby gift! One of my favorite friends is having a baby! I’m so excited for her and took her this little book as a looking-forward-to-baby gift. And I got to eat lunch with her and a couple of other friends. It all worked out at the last minute and I was happy because it had been too long since we’d all been able to work time and schedules and meet up.
It was appropriate timing, as Nobody’s Cuter Than You arrived at my door last week. It’s Melanie Shankle’s new book and it is on the subject of friendship. I was so excited for it to show up! Big Mama’s books are some of my favorites.
I had an appointment scheduled for a massage and when I arrived I found out that my massage therapist had torn a tendon in her foot and was out of commission for a few weeks. I was quite disappointed to miss my massage, but I felt very sorry for her and it sounded very painful, not to mention stressful with juggling and rejuggling her business stuff. And the up side, I probably wouldn’t have ended up having lunch with my friends if I had known the appointment was canceled.
My cd player in my Suburban seems to have gone to pieces too. I went out to try a cleaning cd in it on the small chance that it would fix it or make any difference. It didn’t.
BUT, when the radio came on, it was playing a broadcast of Revive Our Hearts and Mary and Nancy were talking about True Woman 201. I get excited about little things, but I thought it was kind of cool for the timing to work out like that since I was sharing about True Woman 201 last week and seeing it across a lot of my social media. I’m excited about this study and I so appreciate Mary and Nancy’s balanced teachings. I appreciate their emphasis on God’s Word and searching His word and growing as women in Christ. I appreciate their desire for discernment, as this subject has been on my heart and mind recently.
Back to all the things going to pieces. For some reason, I thought about Boz and his happy, boppy, kiddo songs, so I listened to them. They’re cheery. I like catchy kid tunes. I think there is something about kid stuff that speaks to me of happy and carefree. I’m still enamored with many kid toys.
We had rain!!!!!! We are so glad. We are so thankful. We have needed it muchly. I think around 2 inches the beginning of the week and another inch and a half or so on Thursday evening. I get a little fuzzy on the amounts. I generally don’t go look at the rain gauge, but I do ask my farmer how much it rained and then, too often, rather forget the exact measure. This meant a cozy, rain evening too!
Tucker was invited to celebrate a friend’s birthday and they had a day out playing paintball. This was a first for him and he thought it was great fun. The other three of us went on a day out. We swung through an old tractor auction for a bit and looked at an old, old Ford pickup that would’ve been so darling for photo shoots, also looked at the neat old JD 820 and other old JD tractors and talked about our old tractors. Then we headed on and went garage saleing and did a bit of shopping and walked through a park and watched a RC boat club run their boats around the lake. We found some fun finds and enjoyed lovely sunshine and a cool breeze, although we did get rained on just a little in the morning and helped hustle a few things inside at one of the garage sales.
I got a Yankee jar candle for just a couple of dollars and also picked up some really fun, old Christmas ornaments at an estate sale. We hadn’t gone garage saleing for a little while. It’s always fun to see what you might find. I will admit, though, that walking in and viewing tables of stuff for sale can also make me think that I need to go through stuff, not pick up more stuff at garage sales! 😉
2 Thessalonians 3:5
May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.
Psalm 116:17
I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of the Lord.
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