Drumroll! Da-da-da-dum!
I’ve been wanting to post more of my favorites.
There are so many days that I think, “I’m going to blog.” and then I get busy with with something else that HAS to be done or I get sidetracked with another project or interruptions or unexpected things come up or I get a chance to go on a farmtrip with my farmer man or I open my laptop and remember other online stuff that I need to do or……… Ok, this could go on and on.
Back on track. A long-winded detour to say, “Here are some more favorites and I am posting them.” I am!!
Today. Hooray. Ok. Yay! Before May. No way!!
In Pig Latin.
Dotay. Roohay. Ok. Yay! Mefore Bay. Wo nay!
My spellcheck is not impressed.
Old glass bottles.
I’ve had these for longer than I think I have when I stop to think about it.
I was at a picnic party for a friend once and the hostesses had glass bottles on the table with flower stems stuck in them and I totally loved the look. I told my vintage-shopping sister that I wanted some cute, old glass bottles. She found some on e-bay and gave them to me for Christmas that year. My husband also found a couple here or there and brought them to me.
I’ve used them again and again and they are often part of my decor. Otherwise they’re tucked into corners of my china cupboard and look pretty in there. I have some silk ranunculus blooms that I often stick into the bottles. The ranunculus came from McMaster & Storm when they had a storefront in my hometown in Ohio. You can find their Etsy shop over here.
I like having the bottles to put blooms in for parties or to clip a few blossoms in the summer time and stick them on my kitchen sink. I just use them a lot! You can see them in a picture in this Memoir Monday post of our Easter brunch.
I’ve really liked this water bottle insulator bag from 31. My sister-in-law had a book party a year and a half ago and I ordered this. It does a good job of keeping my water bottle cold and I like the happy polka-dots! It does make my water bottle just a bit too bulky for my cup holder in my Suburban, but I can tuck it down beside my seat and it all works.
My Pampered Chef cooling racks. These guys have been part of my kitchen for a really, really long time! I love the grids. Many cooling racks are just wires going one way and the grids support cookies so much better!! My old house and old kitchen did not have a lot of counter space, so the stackable option these racks offer was super-duper!
That sums it up for another favorites post!
Do you have any of these things or anything similar that you love?!