Hugs and cuddles good-bye because it’s time to head back to Kansas. My youngest niece hugged me several times and told me how much she was gonna miss me when we went home. Oh those miles……….
Back home again and time to start school.
We had to start sometime.
Some years we’ve had a special breakfast.
Some years when our scholars were smaller, the teacher had a special treat or surprise for the first day or for the end of the week.
We used to have sticker charts.
I read an idea, once upon a time, about getting needed new school supplies and making a fun “grab” bag for each child for the first day. We did that a couple of times.
This year we did something really special. We got home from Ohio, took some time to get unpacked, and we cracked open the books. MUCH fanfare! 😉
{Older students, older teacher, tired mama}
Farmer work~fertilizer for the garden!
Tomatoes from my neighbor’s tomato plants meant salsa to make! Hooray!
Mmmm………fresh watermelon……….so pretty………..
Rejoicing over Renae’s baptism happening last week.
I reflected on how Jesus Christ and my confession of Him is the most important decision each and every one of us makes. I know this. I knew this. But at certain times, truths really resonate.
Renae with the flowers we got her as we celebrated her baptizing.
“On Christ the solid rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.”
Dress-up shoes sitting on my dresser~for another important little girl in our life~our niece. These shoes bring back so many memories of my two small people wearing play shoes and clomping around. Little bro wore them as much as big sis. And, boy, does it hurt to get stepped on by one of these “high heels”!!
Leftover cilantro from the salsa. Makes a lovely green bouquet!
Snickerdoodle coffee from my sister! YuMmY!!!
Several blog posts I want to compose. My parents visiting. Lots of stuff happening.
One of our kittens died this week. Tubs was his name. Not sure what was wrong with him, but he didn’t look very good. We’ve had things happen to a lot of kittens over the years, but it’s still sad to lose a pet. Especially to Renae.
New phone for my man. Hopefully this one will work much better than his Samsung as far as making and receiving calls.
Some lovely, lovely cooler fallish weather. 70’s and 80’s with open windows and candles burning and no wind and the sun shining and just a bit of rain, though we wouldn’t mind a more measurable amount of rain.
Apple Harvest is Jewelry in Candles scent of the month. A perfect fall flavor! Pop over here and peek at the September flexi. Find it in a cute little mini!
Memories recorded though~I find myself enjoying so much reading back through my blog. It’s such a blessing to remember and appreciate life and love and laughter.

Yes, those miles… We all miss you and wish it was possible to just pop in for an afternoon!