Time to scrawl down memories in this online bloggy journal! You can read my post from last week about a Gratitude Journal over here…
Our happiest happening of the week was sharing with family and friends that our Renae is going to be baptized. We don’t know details yet, but we are all happy for her to make a public confession of her belief in, and salvation through, Jesus Christ our Savior. Amazed over and over at His redemptive work and His endless love for us.
One of my friends celebrated her one-year marriage anniversary last week! She has a unique situation that many of us have not been in. Her husband is from Jamaica and he doesn’t have all his paperwork yet to come here and live. They are in the process and we all know how slow some of these kinds of paperwork processes can be. That meant she and her husband celebrated their anniversary with many miles in between. I’ve talked about all those miles that separate us from loved ones at times! We stopped by my friend’s house for a few minutes with a small gift, a hug, and continued prayers for papers!
My mother-in-law had a doctor’s appointment and is scheduled for surgery on her back. Praying and trusting it will help her so very much! It sounds like it will be less invasive than some surgeries and not major, major, as surgeries go. Yet, surgery is always something to think about! The doctor told her she should be able to go home the evening of her surgery. She has a ruptured disc and there is a loose piece showing up in the x-rays and MRI of her back. They will remove this piece and we pray she will be relieved of the pain and feel better than she has for a long time!
My brother-in-law, in Ohio, celebrated his 45th birthday. {Yes, T, we remembered, even if we haven’t indicated it yet!} Our baby niece, in eastern Kansas, celebrated her first birthday. The years roll by!!!
I talked about fun mail last week. {I think I did anyway. SOMETIME, recently I did anyhow. Carry on.} So, how about fun E-MAIL????!!!! I WON a giveaway from over at The Modern Mrs. Darcy’s!!! She was giving away a tintype from Josiah Morgan. I am so, so excited to have won! As Anne, said in her e-mail to me, “The hard part will be choosing a photo!” Truly.
Here’s a couple of blog posts I enjoyed recently. Because I resonated with them! {I haven’t had much time for blog reading lately. I’d really like to have more time for blogs, more time for books, more time to relax with my friends…..} {I have been choosing my time more intentionally recently. Trying, anyway. Life speeds by too quickly and we aren’t even all that involved in very many things. That’s what works for us and I’ve been thinking a lot about balance and the have-to’s and what is really important to me.} {Bunny trail there.}
This post over at Andrea Dekker. I like popping in there on occasion.
This post by BooMama. She’s so funny! I love her book, A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet. If you want an easy, funny read, definitely go for this book! And fix some sweet tea to sip as you read it!
If you want to make a darling Easter pennant, pop over to my sister’s blog here!
I had some Lilla Rose stuff to work on last week……AAAAAnnnndddd tomorrow is April first, April Fool’s Day, and Flexi-of-the-month day!
How about some photos? I haven’t been picking my camera up as much lately, it seems. I don’t entirely like that because I love pictures. On the upside, it’s not so many to offload off my camera that way!
Potato scrubbing time and potato chip fries for dinner!
Garden spot leveling and working after ripping it earlier.
I had to laugh at the John Deere sweatshirt and the Massey tractor. We have a friend in Ohio who likes Massey, so I told my husband he needed to send him some pics.
Thanks to friends over here, for the use of their tractor to get our garden spot a tiny bit more ship-shape!
This is my man practicing for retirement. He’s told me for most of our married life that when he retires he’s going to have a great big garden spot and a garden tractor with different implements and he’s going to just enjoy using his tractor and puttering around and growing his garden. {But I think it will be a John Deere instead of a Massey. No offense to any Massey fans. John Deere is just kinda how we roll. But thanks again to our friends’ tractor for working our garden!} I like his garden and tractor dream and I will take pictures of him then! 🙂 {And maybe pictures of Grandpa and grandchildren, if that’s part of God’s plan for our lives.}
Cake making~upcoming blog post! {Find the post here now!}
Renae and I went with a friend to hear Jen speak. We enjoyed the time very much and were inspired. If you are looking for books to read, I highly recommend Jen’s book 7 : An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.
A Bit of This~A Bit of That
working on Peterbilt ~ working on tractor ~ finishing up some schoolbooks ~ spilling chips in the Suburban ~ chiseling the circle ~ some rain, a bit anyway ~ delivering food to friends ~ good Bible study ~ friends coming by for the afternoon ~ phone calls ~ Lego bulldozer built back ~
What memories did you delight in last week?

Just wondering if Jen gave you each a kiss or is it just babies on airplanes that she kisses? I laughed and laughed at her post on FB the other day. I do want to read her book and hear more about your time with her.
I think it’s just babies! I saw her post on fb before we went and then she opened her session by telling us that story. 🙂 There were several babies at the event with their mamas, so maybe she got to kiss them!
Congrats on the win at Mrs. Darcy’s!! How cool!
Thank-you! I was so excited!
Thinking of you all and still praying.
Praise the Lord for Renae’s decision! And how sweet of you to think of your friend on her special day! I can’t even imagine – I guess God knew I was a little too bratty to put me in a situation like that! I’d be pouting and feeling sorry for myself. I am sorry I don’t get over here more often, I’m still fussing with WordPress, some WP blogs on fine on Firefox but yours and a few others I have to open IE to view and it’s just too much trouble {said with a giant eye roll} to open a new browser window 🙂
Thank-you! We are glad for Renae to make a public commitment in her life for Christ.
I can’t imagine either and I know I would feel sorry for myself. But then, I think we all have times like that to overcome, no matter our situation!
And I totally understand about the opening-another-browser-thing. Sometimes I don’t even want another tab open! 🙂 Plus, you just get used to the browser you’re using. I don’t know what the issues are with my blog and firefox. Oh well! I have some blogs that pick up the last post I’ve posted and others that won’t do it even though it’s the same plug-in.
Love the photos – Renae looks JUST like you! How did we go from chubby little baby girls to these teenagers who look and act like us?!!
I really don’t know how the years have flown so quickly. It seems like I keep thinking that more all the time!