January flew…January fled…now here is February instead….
Are we getting it just right?!
Better organization…a place for everything and everything in its place…snap, the job’s a game…spit-spot…{Mary Poppins on the brain}
But really, better organization for the recyclable bins and shelves for shoes and hooks for coats! Love shelves!
This is the way we work, work, work….
Go Broncos!
What happened?!?! Really? Did they forget to show up or were they all kidnapped and replaced with stand-ins? Sniff. Really wanted them to win. Moving on…in our lives it IS, just a game. {But a little bigger deal in Peyton Manning’s.}
Kitchen counters and math counters and play money and a Lego poster…
And setting up stores and shopping them so we can practice counting back change. {Mom needed more practice than kiddos, maybe?? We won’t say.}
Tucker had a Lego Amazon shop. Lego sets, lego people, Lego book, lego magazines…
Renae had a Variety Store. Books, dolls, clothes, pictures, dishcloths, stuffed animals….
Mom had a Lilla Rose store. Flexis, hairbands, bobby pins, hairsticks….
{And the Lilla Rose store had this cute {perhaps a bit hyper} “Grandpa” that came and bought 3 flexis a piece for each of his 3 granddaughters! I hope they loved them! ;)} {I did really have a Grandpa at one of the craft shows spend a long time looking at the clips and pick one out for each of his three granddaughters. And I do hope they really did love them!}
Dad didn’t get to have a store. He had to work.
“I” is for ITCH. “I” is for INSULATION.
Mary Poppins, Step In Time!
This umbrella, that my brother gave me a few Christmases ago, makes me feel Mary Poppinish! It recently found this home on one of the doors in my guest room.
AND said guest room got a coat of paint this February! Hooray! After almost two years of living in our house, I broke out the paintbrushes again. And I love the room so much better. 🙂 It has a bit of a Pollyanna/AnneofGreenGables/MaryPoppins feel. With a bit of Pride and Prejudice, perhaps?? Or maybe just because I love all of these. That could be it too.
What would be snow without a sled ride or two???
Multipurposeness rocks!! Clown hair or scarf! Whichever you prefer or need at the moment.
Table prepped for a brunch to munch with friends…
Love to get out my pretty dishes now and again~
Still cold weather, cold temps, cold, cold, did I mention cold? Snow and winter. Warm oven meals and Comforting Chicken Noodle Soup. Peanut Butter Rice Krispies. Humidifier for house.
My dear mother-in-law having back trouble, pain and a bulging disc. Prayers for her and lending a hand to help out with a few things.
Birthdays celebrated and blog posts to post about them some~sometime!
And one more reference to Mary Poppins. They make up words in Mary Poppins. That’s fun, right there. ‘Cause I like words, but not too big of words.
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We did get a chuckle out of the pic of Renae! What fun – and I LOVE the organization in your garage – just a tad jealous of your garage – but happy for you!
I appreciate my garage so much. And it’s been nice to put in the shelves and have it better organized.
I got the best chuckle when Renae came down with the scarf on her head!