Happy first day of February!
And we’re welcoming a new flexi clip of the month over at Lilla Rose. You can hop over to www.lillarose.biz/adelightfulglow and look for the “Go Shopping” tab in the upper right hand corner. Give it a click and browse! The flexis of the month usually sell out fairly quickly, so if you are at all interested, you probably don’t want to wait around too long.
This clip would make a sweet Valentine’s Day gift wouldn’t it? Of course, providing the friend likes hair stuff and could put it to good use. 🙂 I love my flexis. I was thrilled when I discovered Lilla Rose. I have longer hair and was wanting something that would hold my hair and be functional, but pretty. Elastic ponytail holders from Wal-Mart work, but flexis are definitely more fun in my book! I’m not super-great at hair styling, but there are some really cute styles shown at Lilla Rose. You can click on the size and styling videos in the lower right hand corner of this page. I have done some french twists, buns, and tails up. Most of the time I just put my hair in a half-up or a good ole ponytail. I’ve also done the half-twist and think it’s really cute. My sister did it on my niece and it looked so pretty in her hair. My seven-year-old niece has much thicker hair than I do, so consequently she uses a bigger flexi clip than I do. I’m jealous. I admit it. I’ve always wished for thicker hair. And curly. My cousin with curly hair has always wished for straight. What funny creatures we are!
I like Lilla Rose hair bands too. Same thing as a head band, but they are comfy and they work really well. If you like head bands, you should check them out!
Do you have hair stuff that you really, really love?

That is a cute one! These clips almost make me wanna grow my hair out!
What a pretty clip! I have thick hair. Maybe I should give this a try.
Thank you for sharing and for linking up at this week’s Harvest of Friends Weekend Blog Hop