So, I started a gratitude journal a couple of years ago and I wrote about it recently. There really is just so much to be thankful for ! From air conditioning to toothbrushes to end tables and extension cords. Electricity and sticky buns, iced tea or hot coffee. New socks and favorite, old books!
Here’s to a few things I love and am grateful for~
This sweet, little girl was mine when I was small. She is a night light. She resides in my china cupboard and I like her sweet simplicity and the memories attached!
This sign on my bedroom wall! I love the sign and I love the verse and I love the husband God blessed me with.
My Young Living Oils! I think the bottles are pretty for one thing and for another I like using the oils. The ones above are in my top favorites list. Breathe Again is so great for colds and coughs and tickles. Lavender is so versatile. Lavender has been one of my favorite scents for soaps, bodywash and lotions for a long time.
Pretty colorful sweaters all in a row! I love cozy, comfy sweaters.
Pretty decor just for fun! I’ve been asked quite a few times what these glass balls are for. They’re just for “because I like them”! 🙂
This jumble of jumble in my son’s room! It can drive me nuts sometimes, but yet, not really, because I am grateful for him and grateful he’s here! And I love seeing his love for building and creating.
These cute bears residing on my daughter’s bed and watching how she is learning already to create home in fixing her space with things she loves and by keeping little mementos and things that mean something to her.
Just stuff!
Yet, so grateful for the things we enjoy. We are bountifully blessed and we thank God. We don’t deserve anything anymore than anyone else. We are so responsible to grow and cultivate gratitude in this place where God has, for now, placed us!
What are some of the little things you are so grateful for?

That first picture brings back so many memories! Love that little nightlight. The teddy bear with the bib was yours a long time ago, wasn’t it? And the picture of t’s room brings back memories, too. There were rooms in this house that looked very similar to that.
Yes, that’s Freddy the teddy bear! And I do remember my room having a bit of a mess in it now and then! 😉