Hello to having fun painting magnets from the giveaway mom won!
Hello to magnets on the refrigerator and artwork given to me by my six-year-old niece when we were in Ohio! My niece loves to draw and she is very, very good at filling in the backgrounds on her pictures. She gave us several pictures while we were visiting.
Hello to a go-cart coming to live on our farm via the neighbor’s who had it for sale! {Even though we kind of live in the middle of nowhere, there are neighbor’s. 😉 }
Hello to more swimming! Our temps have been topping out from 98-108 again.
Hello to giving baking-bread-in-a-crockpot a try! It turned out and I am interested in experimenting with different recipes. I used an Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day recipe that I’ve had for a long time. I can’t remember where the recipe came from. The bread was much softer than when I baked it in the oven, but I didn’t put it under the broiler, after it was done in the crockpot, like suggested in the directions. I like a softer crust, but if you were really wanting the Artisan style, mine didn’t qualify.
Hello yummy breakfast!
Hello to the first day of school! I really wasn’t ready for it to arrive, but it is always nice to get back into a better schedule.
Hello to building!
Hello to getting out games that we haven’t played for a while! Hello Connect Four! Hello Operation
! Hello Blokus
! Hello ChickyBoom
Hello to getting my knitting needles out again! Hello to making tea syrup for the freezer! I am so loving doing this in one big batch and not needing to think about it everyday. Hello to walking in the mornings! Hello to resuming the reading of Kisses from Katie! Hello to a relaxing Saturday! Hello to linking up with Lisa!
Tell me what you’re hello-ing from your past week! 🙂
*some links in this post are my affiliates

That go cart looks like FUN! We live in town and could never use one to it’s fullest potential but my boys would love that. I’ve got another batch of tea syrup on my to-do list too!
I think my son thinks the go-cart is pretty fun! 🙂 Both the kiddos like it, but I can tell my son especially does. There’s just something about boys and driving and motors.
that go cart looks awesome! Can i drive it???
our girls don’t know it yet, but their dad brought home a motor scooter yesterday. it needs a little tlc but he says it won’t take much. funny how when HE brings home a project it’s not big deal but if I bring home a project it’s not so great!
Yes, you can drive it! I did a little bit.(cause my husband wanted me too. lol!) It is a little too low to the ground and a little too vibratey for me. I’d rather take pictures.
I’m betting T would be impressed with the motor scooter! Pictures!
Hey Deborah!
I knew you guys lived in KS and wondered how far away you would be. Do you guys live in Quinter?
Bet the go-kart gets plenty of exercise! Love the first day of school pictures. They are so growing up. Always fun to see what’s been happening there.