Hello to some highlights from last week! Hello to linking up over at Lisa’s with lots of hellos! Hello to a giveaway here at A Delightful Glow! Go check it out and sign up if you haven’t.
Hello food! Hello to planning some menus and getting the ingredients I didn’t have, on Monday evening, when I cleaned. Hello to menu planning not working well for me. Most of the time I try to plan a couple of meals for when I need to cook and it works pretty well. This week I planned several and didn’t use them all. The perks to that are that the week ended up with two lunches I didn’t have to cook and I still have my menus. It seems like between having leftovers to use, (and I love it when we have leftovers), and our schedule-that-is-always-subject-to-change, my neatly penciled menu planning on paper just doesn’t work out in real life. I don’t know why. Maybe I’m just not organized enough. I read different blogs that are very adamant about menu planning. I get the point of the whole idea and why it can save time and money, but every time I try it, it just doesn’t seem to fit me. I did really like knowing I had the ingredients on hand. Sometimes I’m planning out a meal and then realize I’m out of something that is fairly vital to the recipe.
Hello chowder cheddar! You were delicious!
Hello Mini Omelet Cups! We haven’t tried them. I made them and popped them in the freezer. Breakfast this week! They smelled yummy.
Hello Lemon Burst Cake Mix Cookies! I printed the recipe out a long time ago to try sometime. I decided I might as well try some new recipes along with my menu planning. These were super easy and are yummy if you’re a lemon fan!
Hello Scrambled Egg Bake!
Hello bacon, crisp and done and ready to go in the Corn Chip Salad!
Hello to getting shoeboxes ready to go! Filling out printables to put it in each box. If you can’t pack your own they have a build-a-box option online.
Hello to being invited to a Pioneer party! Where a wonderful time was had by the “pioneer” girls! They fixed pioneer food, did embroidery, walked down the creek and I’m not sure what all.
Hello election week last week and the Presidential race behind us! God is able. May we seek Him. Hello Doc Rock! Hello to an afternoon at Grandma’s! Hello to taking walks in beautiful weather! Hello to Money Saving Mom’s 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home{Simplified}! I have loosely followed along and enjoyed reading the tasks for each day. Hello to dipping leaves in wax! Hello to friends coming and building forts in the woods! Hopefully, a blog post coming. Hello to praying for rain! Hello to praying for a safe delivery for our new niece and hello sweet girl!
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I loved making my menu plan – haven’t done if for a few weeks – not sure why. I liked having complete meals written down so I didn’t have to think about what to fix – I just looked at my list. I didn’t always follow it exactly but it was a huge help. And having the ingredients I needed was awesome. I really need to get back to it.
I like having the ingredients too. I really don’t know how to explain or why it feels like it doesn’t work very well for me. I guess I feel like I’m messed up if I’m not doing it exactly to plan? I definitely like having an idea of what I’m going to fix and usually try to have a couple meal ideas going.
You need to make plans and rotate them maybe, since you loved the menu planning. Plus, you have the added bonus of someone doing the grocery shopping for you! 🙂
At first I kind of felt like I had to follow it exactly. but then it was just nice to have meal options that I knew I would have stuff for. And if for some reason we didn’t use a meal it was great to be able to move that meal to the next week and have one less to plan!
And yes, it is SO nice to have someone else doing the shopping!
I can see the fun of moving a menu to the next week and I will actually be doing that this week by using a couple of my menus that I didn’t last week. I think I somehow feel like I went to the work of planning and then it totally didn’t go as planned. I really don’t think I’m a perfectionist, but this hints at perfectionism. 🙂
I’ve done menu planning several ways…I’d say whatever works for you to feed your family, there’s no rule you have to plan menus 🙂 All of your food looks yummy and is making me hungry!
I think you need to share your different menu planning options with me. I think part of my problem is that I have this idea in my head of how it should be and it doesn’t go that way for our family. So I need to throw preconceived notions out of my head.
Are you getting all settled into a new normal with that dear, sweet,squeezable baby?
Gonna try that menu planning again {soon} so my hubs doesn’t get stuck with soup all winter long!! :){And it would be fun to fill up our new freezer!}
Yes, freezers run more efficiently when they are full!
Your sis-in-law was just telling me how you could fix soup all winter long, but your husband’s not so crazy about having it all the time! 🙂 Hey, many soups will freeze! Or you have some neighbors that like soup.
Those are some yummy looking cookies!
Rushing for Bagels
They are yummy and the powdered sugar makes them pretty!
Deborah you are making me hungry with all of these delicious looking food pictures!
Have a great week!
It made me sorta hungry when I posted them! 😉